Thursday, 18 March 2021

Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016)


This is like an even worse version of Captain America: Civil War: it's just moving chess-pieces, but here the chess-pieces are all vaguely-drawn psychos; it's a Superman movie that wants to be a Justice League movie. Much like Civil War or the Hobbit movies, this needed to be pared down to a single point of view. It's simply too early in this cinematic universe to be doing a movie like this. Wonder Woman does not need to be in this movie, and neither do the glimpses of the other meta-humans. We're still no closer to knowing anything about Clark as a person, we don't get to see him actually be day-to-day Superman, and I don't give a shit when he dies. We're supposed to like Batman but despite his large amounts of screentime he only exists in relation to Superman (plus he's a hair-trigger, pill-popping, boozing, cave-dwelling, murderous vigilante). Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is an obnoxious Evil Rain Man with zero motivation. 

Never mind characterisation, it's incredible how Snyder can make these 3 hour movies and not find time for any fun. With all the dull, shallow political machinations and evil schemes, there's no room for more than one short Batman-Superman fight, the raison d'etre of this movie! Freddy Vs Jason managed more than that in 98 minutes. The story is as much of a grey sludge as most of the movie is visually.

On the plus side, the fight-scenes are better directed (Snyder seems most at home with melee combat).

Rating: Very Bad.

Sunday, 14 March 2021

I Care A Lot (2020)


For most of its runtime, this jet-black comedy expertly walks a tonal tightrope and plays games with audience sympathies, hopping between headline-of-the-week, heist and screwball crime to get the viewer rooting for some truly horrendous people. Pike, Dinklage and Wiest are all fantastic and surrounded by great supporting players.
Sadly, it falters at the end, taking one of the two obvious endings for a movie that is, essentially, Sociopath Vs Psychopath (either they both lose or they both win) and finishing off with a jarring switch from a story supported by capitalism satire to one that blasts you in the face with it, before nicking the ending from Layer Cake.
There are also some slightly weird moments regarding feminism, where the sociopath protagonist seems to co-opt its language, and the one character who throws gendered slurs and sexual threats at her is the one who stops her evil rise to power. Also, this is another queer sociopath for the list.

Rating: Pretty Good.

After The Sun Fell (2016)

(aka The Morning the Sun Fell Down)

A strong ensemble cast give great performances, and the movie convincingly unfurls a family's history. Unfortunately, there's not that much to unfurl and the indie movie pacing combined with the theatrical origin makes this feel like a farce or melodrama played at half-speed.

Rating: Fine.

Saturday, 13 March 2021

Anna and the Apocalypse (2017)

Doesn't stand up as either a zombie movie or a musical. The songs are mostly post-Frozen hollow warbling, the zombie rules are inconsistent and lazy, the direction is sloppy, the characters are barely existent, there's no story to speak of (outside of 'zombies arrive, Anna wants to get to her dad, everyone makes stupid decisions constantly') and the dialogue is irritating sub-Shaun Of The Dead banter.

Rating: Bad.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Coming 2 America (2021)


It's cool to see a bunch of actors come back, and it's nice that no one's phoning this in - there's lots of energy, Snipes is great, it feels sincere.

However, this movie is a mess. I did not expect it to make the original seem classy, restrained and well-considered in comparison. There's so much going on, so many musical numbers and action scenes and characters learning lessons, and yet not many laughs. Even though it's got more modern CG effects and whatnot, it still feels a bit cheaper than the original with smaller sets, fewer extras, and scenes that feel like they got less shooting time.
And it's kind of staggering that this is more offensive than an Eddie Murphy movie from 30 years ago: Akeem is now a domineering misogynist arsehole, under his and Lisa's rule women aren't allowed to own businesses, turns out during the events of the first movie he was raped by Mary, there's an implication that Lavelle isn't even his son anyway because Mary was "a ho" back then, and a big part of the happy ending is Akeem making a political alliance with a war lord. Oh, and they even reveal that the barking hopping fiancée from the first movie has been doing that non-stop for 30 years because Akeem has refused to tell her to stop.

Rating: Bad.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)

Shot and edited nicely, with some solid performances, but after a lot of slow-boil build-up there's not very much to this. All the narrative overlapping and flashback revelations don't furnish any big surprises or have any effect on the story, it's overlong with a weak climax, and it all ends up feeling rather like watered-down Tarantino.

Rating: Meh.