This is like an even worse version of Captain America: Civil War: it's just moving chess-pieces, but here the chess-pieces are all vaguely-drawn psychos; it's a Superman movie that wants to be a Justice League movie. Much like Civil War or the Hobbit movies, this needed to be pared down to a single point of view. It's simply too early in this cinematic universe to be doing a movie like this. Wonder Woman does not need to be in this movie, and neither do the glimpses of the other meta-humans. We're still no closer to knowing anything about Clark as a person, we don't get to see him actually be day-to-day Superman, and I don't give a shit when he dies. We're supposed to like Batman but despite his large amounts of screentime he only exists in relation to Superman (plus he's a hair-trigger, pill-popping, boozing, cave-dwelling, murderous vigilante). Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is an obnoxious Evil Rain Man with zero motivation.
Never mind characterisation, it's incredible how Snyder can make these 3 hour movies and not find time for any fun. With all the dull, shallow political machinations and evil schemes, there's no room for more than one short Batman-Superman fight, the raison d'etre of this movie! Freddy Vs Jason managed more than that in 98 minutes. The story is as much of a grey sludge as most of the movie is visually.
On the plus side, the fight-scenes are better directed (Snyder seems most at home with melee combat).
Rating: Very Bad.