Massively disappointing. This reeks of straight-to-video sequel, simultaneously overegging and misunderstanding all the strengths of the first movie in a contrived 'well, guess that happy ending wasn't so happy after all but here comes another adventure to bring it back again' story and with pedestrian visuals and even a bunch of crummy fade-to black scene-enders.
There are too many songs, now there 'just because' rather than their judicious use in the Enchanted, and they're all forgettably bad. Returning characters are mostly wasted or Flanderised and the new characters are blandly cliched in a way the first movie managed to avoid or play with. The glorious 2D animation of the original has taken a big step down here: it's fine, but noticeably less attractive and seems to be a mix of rigged puppets and cel-shaded 3D. The story is a convoluted mess that around half an hour in makes the bizarre decision to change all the characters and continuity to a confusing degree, and generally comes off as a less clever version of Once Upon A Time. And Alan Tudyk does an Ed Wynn impression again.
Amy Adams is good, of course, but doesn't have much to work with.
Rating: Dreadful.