Thursday, 2 August 2018

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

Some very inventive action sequences and comedy setpieces. However, the narrative does feel overstuffed and characterisation suffers as a result. Also, the loose improv feel of the comedy dialogue doesn't really work - a Shane Black style polish would have really helped, I think.

I probably prefer it to the first one overall...

EDIT: on a re-watch, I think the issue is less that it's overstuffed and more that the antagonists are out of whack: Ghost has almost identical goals to the heroes and never works as a villain because the films pulls its punches to maintain the redemption ending. They should have made her an ally early on and had the Feds and crooks as stronger obstacles throughout. It didn't feel so inventive the second time round either; if I were to rate it again I'd probably knock it down by at least half a star...
Rating: Good

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