Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Alien: Covenant (2017)

Stupendously bad.
It's like the writers thought, "Right, why didn't people like Prometheus? Because it was too cerebral. So let's make this the dumbest, cheesiest, tackiest version of an Alien movie ever!" It still had all the origin bullshit and people acting like idiots from Prometheus, but then it was like AvP Requiem levels of shitty horror for the rest of it, with people having sexy showers before they get killed and painfully obvious 'oh no he's the real killer!' twists, and big dopey action sequences where everyone's bouncing around like it's a Pirates Of The Caribbean movie.
They had Alien POV shots - a mistake not even the shittiest of the previous films made - where it's revealed that it sees everything exactly the same except with a kind of wriggly snot filter.
And the origin stuff is even more stupid and makes even less sense now.
Rating: Awful

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