Monday, 11 November 2019

Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

Fucking terrible. No craft, no physical weight to any of it, terrible dialogue, nothing new or exciting. It feels more like a shitty X-Men movie than a Terminator movie. The only good bit in the entire film is when they play a clip from Terminator 2.

For my own records more than anything else, some specific things I didn't like:

The new future AI baddy. This is a total Starkiller move, a lesser version of an iconic thing. It's also just frustrating because it feels like the heroes will never be allowed to win because the franchise demands it.
The way all the characters, human and cyborg are either Flubbering all over the place or doing cool 'superhero landings'. In the first two movies, the Terminators tumbled around like the big bags full of metal that they are, they had weight and physicality to them. Here, even Sarah Connor is getting flung about like a CG ragdoll and not even getting bruised.
Another comedy/tragic self-sacrificing model 101. Ugh.
The painfully obvious '*Danni* is the future leader' twist.
Saying 'fuck' a lot is not cool.
Why bother with this 'enhanced human' bullshit? Just make her a terminator, there's no functional difference. She's got her neck ripped open, it's all just wires, she doesn't notice. In fact, why is she there at all? Just have it be Sarah and Carl (or preferably a different model for once).
If you're going to ignore T3 onwards and bring Sarah and a 101 back, why kill John off and get rid of Skynet? Get Furlong back in!
Rating: Awful

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