Thursday, 13 February 2020

3 from Hell (2019)

Very disappointing - it feels like one of those direct-to-video sequels by a different creative team who copy all the wrong stuff from the original. It's just more of the same, but with none of the wit. The victims act stupid, the quips are thuddingly awful, the plot drags and meanders, instead of Michael Berryman playing a regular guy with no mention of his dysplasia there's Richard Edson browning up as a Mexican, and instead of making the Fireflys sympathetic this movie makes them dull. It even tries to recapture the standout Free Bird sequence from Devil's Rejects, but ends up taking 'In A Gadda Da Vida' from Manhunter and putting it over a standard shootout scene.
Although it was apparently unavoidable due to health issues, I suspect the heavily reduced role of Sid Haig plays a large part in how anonymous this movie feels.
It's a shame this didn't jump style again, perhaps to more of a Suspiria feel - there's a glimmer of what could have been when Baby hallucinates a ballerina cat through a crack in her prison cell wall, but sadly Zombie brings no more of his Halloween II/Lords Of Salem weirdness into play.
Rating: Bad

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