Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Cell (2016)

I had hoped that this adaptation might turn a rather poor King novel into a fun low-budget romp with Cusack and Jackson bromancing their way through a zombie apocalypse. Unfortunately it stays rather too faithful to the source, falling into all the same traps - the phone gimmick quickly becomes irrelevant, the cause and changes of the phone-triggered zombification are unexplained and random (the film even adds a (iirc) new, equally unexplained plot point where Clay had visions of the raggedy-man previous to any of this, which is utterly unnecessary), and there's really not much in the way of story, characters, drama or conflict.
They did do one thing I had hoped for, which was change the ending, but instead of taking the opportunity to provide explanations and satisfying resolution, they instead shuffle two-thirds of the protagonists off-stage five minutes before the end then go for an unconvincing 'it's a happy ending! Psych, that's just what he's imagining now the villains have brainwashed him!' twist.
Rating: Awful

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