Monday, 29 August 2022

Nope (2022)


Boring. The slow-boil build-up goes on for way too long, a huge amount of narrative energy is given to a pointless character backstory, and the twist about the nature of the UFO is briefly interesting but ultimately turns this into a movie about people trying to get a photo of a big sky-horse. All the characters are fairly irritating and seem to emote and act at random, for example getting annoyed at electric equipment turning off when they knew it was going to do that, or wordlessly coming up with plans on the fly which are so arbitrary as to be unfollowable. This, combined with the fact that the UFO's thought processes are intentionally fairly unpredictable and unknowable, and that other basic and crucial information like 'did they get the shot? Is the film safe?' is left ambiguous (possibly intentionally, but if so it's a bad choice), means that the action scenes are rather uninvolving.
It does look nice, the performances are all strong (even if they do mostly fall into the camps of 'annoying idiot' or 'emotionally closed off') and the creature design (and the slow reveal of all its elements) is cool, but this stuff can't rescue it from its flaws.

Rating: Meh.

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