Sunday, 10 September 2023

Chaos On Deponia (2012)

 It starts off incredibly unpromisingly - an obnoxious clumsy tutorial (they don't bother to integrate these into the story, they just stick you in a meta room to push a few buttons), the discovery that subtitles are forced on for cutscenes, a gigantic exposition dump, TWO more of those fucking songs by the director that he sticks in every game, and then finally dropping you in a huge map full of "???" doorways and in the same junkworld style as most of the first game. There's one bit that is a funny idea in theory - two characters talk in the foreground about how much Rufus has improved as a person while in the background you're trashing their house in a attempt to pick up an inventory item - but the writing is hamfisted, the conceit doesn't really make sense (why are they convinced he's changed when he clearly hasn't?), and the puzzle is just confusing enough that you can't breeze through it, so the timing gets knackered.
So I think I'll probably just consider this trilogy all one game and not bother with the rest of it! 

Yeah, gave up on it. The main barrier is probably the dialogue. I just can't bring myself to slog through so much of it just to work out what the puzzles are. But also the puzzles are crap and the story is crap. It looks lovely in screenshot mode, but it all feels very Flash in motion (due to stuff like frame rate vs walk speed, repetition of background animations etc) and after a couple of junk planet steampunk rooms you're pretty sick of it anyway.

Rating: Pretty art assets, everything else is a slog.

1 comment:

Joe Clyde said...

I'm sorry and I say this in the nicest way possible, but you're simply the king of bad takes. You really must dislike Daedalic.