Sunday 21 July 2024

Star Trek: Voyager (1995 - 2001)

Note: most of these are my posts copied over from a Star Trek group-watch going through the entire series in broadcast order, rather than properly written reviews. 

VOY S01E0 "title" Stardate  Broadcast date 1995-00-00

group watch ongoing

Previous watch through notes:

I watched the Voyager pilot, and thought it was okay. Can't believe they also went back to the well of "trapped in an olde times recreation by a god-type being" for their opening episode, after TNG did Q and DS9 did the wormhole entities (albeit with memories), though!

am on S2. Voyager has been consistently entertaining.

I just watched Living Witness and it was absolutely fantastic.

Just watched the cold open for Relativity, and it's a very similar set-up to LOST's opening of Season 5

Seven Of Nine's uniform is fucking ridiculous, whatever exoplating excuses they want to come up with ("you're used to having big clunky armour on, so you'll probably be most comfortable getting sewn into a skintight one-piece"). Her tits take over every scene she's in, it's really distracting and feels pretty seedy.

Just watched Equinox, and I see what you guys mean by Janeway being so uneven - she's gone completely mental! Does this get followed up on at all, or just forgotten? Her actions are incredibly heinous in this episode and seem to have been forgotten about by the end of it because she pulled a sad face when SPOILER that captain died.

I'm on the antepenultimate episode of Voyager and have generally really enjoyed the (skiplist episodes of the) series. I just finished Author, Author, which went back to the alt-crew holo-sim well, but was still entertaining. It also was indeed very reminiscent of the Data trial.

The series finale was rather unsatisfying. It felt very similar to that one where Chekotay and Harry find Voyager on the ice planet, plus there never felt like any peril except from crazier-than-usual, genocidal future Janeway until she does what she should remember is always the best thing to do: stop fucking about for half an episode and just tell Janeway the truth. It certainly had high production value, though, and I liked the future stuff.

(Enterprise notes start on page 12 of that Thumbs thread.)

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