Monday, 24 December 2018

Aquaman (2018)

It's visually gorgeous, Momoa is charming and that Sicily action sequence is great, but overall this is a mess. Scuppered by the lead character being introduced in a previous film and yet still having a ton of origin stories, lore and Atlantean politics to get through, the narrative is all over the place. It's filled with tropey beats (in the wrong order) and characters and most of the action is either rote post-Kingsman punching or rote CG battles. Even the music can't decide what it wants to be, flitting between wailing guitar, orchestral and 80s electro.
Amusing sidenote: Nicole Kidman is digitally de-aged at the start of the movie. When she reappears in present day, she is no longer de-aged but because of all the work she's had done she still looks so uncannily smooth that they had to put a grey wig on her to age her up a bit!
Rating: Bad

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