Friday, 15 February 2019

Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

Terrible. I didn't know anything about the story going in, and for me it was just two solid hours of clunky exposition. There's no narrative throughline at all. The visuals don't feel fresh (I liked the glimpses of future Mexico, wish Rodriguez had done more with that setting) or awe-inspiring, and look quite cheap in parts. None of the actors get anything to do. The action-scenes are more Transformers than Desperado (the bar fight worked quite well, though). I wish Cameron had directed this, frankly, because whatever Avatar's failings, the direction was never overwhelmed by the VFX.
The film was shot in real 3D and it's noticeable in about 3 shots. 90s Rodriguez would have had a lot more fun with the 3D.
Rating: Bad

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