Saturday, 11 April 2020

Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle (2018)

The CG in this got a knocking, but I thought it looked fine. I liked the humanish faces of the animals too - certainly better than the jarringly photo-realistic talking animals in the Favreau Jungle Book (with the exception of that movie's Walken-faced King Louie, who was great). Unfortunately, the action isn't particularly interesting or well-directed, and it's a big chunk of the movie. Plus, it has that Narnia feel where they're trying to layer LOTR style epic story and big-brushstroke character arcs over relatively simple and episodic source material (along with child actors who can't quite manage that stuff - Chand can just about summon bemused, sad and angry). Speaking of LOTR, the casting is particularly lazy in that regard, with Serkis, Cumberbatch (as the animal villain) and Blanchett (as the mystic future-seer and prologue narrator).
Kudos for having the hero yell "Khaaaaaan!" though.
Rating: Bad

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