Monday, 14 September 2020

Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)



It feels really flat and cheap, it's not funny *at all*, it's an unimaginative collection of reheated stuff from the first two movies, none of the actors can remember how to play these characters, all the new characters are annoying as fuck, there are too many things going on, they re-cast the princesses to be 12-15 years younger than B&T which feels really weird, it weakens the ending of Bogus Journey, and none of it really makes sense. And I don't mean that last bit in an 'it's not scientifically accurate' way or even a 'the rules don't have internal logic' way - the first two movies had time loops and paradoxes galore, it didn't really matter. But they had a narrative logic you could follow and they paid off the stuff they set up - here, stuff just happens because it does, suddenly there are prophecies, things get forgotten. It all feels lazy by mistake rather than lazy on purpose. I had set my expectations quite low, but I hoped at least for a moderately good comedy that I might come to like more with repeat viewings. I doubt I will ever watch this movie again.

Rating: Awful.

(Watched 29 Aug, 2020)

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