Saturday, 26 September 2020

Halloween (2018)


By retconning most of the franchise, and having one character clunkily monologue about how Myers just killed a few people then got caught and isn't that impressive "by today's standards", this movie seems to be trying to pull a 'maybe he's not supernatural' thing, which is a waste of time because a) we saw the first film and b) in this one it's also immediately clear that he is. Or perhaps they're trying for 'so you think these movies are cheesy and old-fashioned, eh? Well, get this modern take!' Unfortunately this doesn't work either because this film is just another clumsy, cheesy 80s slasher flick, despite the occasional shakycam extreme close-up. Characters spouting exposition, tired scenes where parents disapprove of boyfriends or teens banter like they're panel show regulars, characters over-reacting to everything or making mind-numbingly idiotic decisions, jump scares from off-frame that don't make sense, unconvincing fake-out pranks.

It doesn't do anything new with the franchise either - H20 has already done this stuff, and the 'sequel where final girl has gone nuts and traumatised their kid by teaching them survivalism' schtick is straight out of T2 (although in that film, she was shacking up with gun runners and telling him he was the messiah; in this unimaginative drivel, Laurie built a panic room and took her kid hunting). It doesn't even have the balls to kill Michael or Laurie. At least Rob Zombie tried something slightly new.

If they'd called this Halloween 9, it would be unsurprisingly mediocre. With such pretentious framing, this is embarrassingly shit.

Rating: Awful.

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