Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Bumblebee (2018)

Manages to be by far the best of the modern Transformers movies by having: empathetic characters; readable, tactile, interesting robot design; well-choreographed and directed fights; and some really nice transformation animations/effects.

This is a low bar, though, and the narrative has far too many plot strands (the usual Transformer war stuff, government agency allegiances, Iron Giant-esque kid/robot bonding, awkward - yet jarringly attractive - nerd teen drama) which all end up feeling underdeveloped, and (again, from what I remember) it does by necessity repeat a lot of the LaBoeuf/Bumblebee stuff from the first movie.

Not bad, but not The Iron Giant either.

Rating: Good

(Watched 14/09/2019)

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