Monday, 26 October 2020

Detective Pikachu (2019)

The translation of 2D pokemon to 3D characters here is convincing and well-designed, they integrate into the live-action well, and the whole thing is well-directed with gorgeous locations and cinematography. Unfortunately, the story isn't up to much - the human protagonist is unlikeable and the rest are barely sketched in, there's no actual detection and the mystery is obvious, and the world-building is confusing (this may be because I've never consumed any Pokemon media before, but I felt the human-pokemon relations on a personal, citywide and global scale were unclear in themselves and in their relation to each other). A few of the more intimate action/comedy setpieces work well (e.g. the underground battle, the mime interrogation) but the movie has a tendency to slip into MCU style bland, noisy action. Also, Reynolds is on charm autopilot here, which is fine but never wonderful or hilarious and in fact a little wearing at times.

Rating: Meh.

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