Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Tank Girl (1995)

I'll just post my live-tweets of watching this movie from a few years ago (back when we were only allowed 70 characters per tweet!):

Promising motion comics titles, then straight into clunky exposition for first 5 minutes. Cool villain intro then, though
Not sure about a New Yawk Tank Girl in her mid-30s. Should be an English (Aussie at a push) teen really. Plus she's only been called Rebecca so far
Talking seductively to her scissors as she sensuously cuts holes in her tights
Music is awful and direction pretty flat - makes it feel cheap in the way the best low-budget films avoid
Giving a shit about her mates getting killed feels wrong too. Maybe this is the tragic past that will make her into Tank Girl proper
Actually that makes sense as it's 20mins in and we haven't seen her tank yet. Ugh, the comic didn't need an origin
Sexy slo-mo sand shower scene with a Portishead track! I'm sensing a 'Tank Girl is sexually attractive' subtext here
How to disgust a rapey prison guard into leaving - force a lesbian kiss on your fellow female inmate in front of him!
They captured the comics' barely-existent illogical plot, but forgot that it's like that to make room for fun, interesting stuff
Good soundtrack. Just got to the 1st animated bit - immediately 100 times better than the preceding 40mins!
Movie Tank Girl is a much more annoying character - think it's cos she's 'zany' & movie doesn't know like comics do that she's a bit of a prick
James Hong always ace though
Jesus Christ, sped-up fancy-dress montage. What is this, The Sweetest Thing?
Oh, an impromptu cringeworthy musical number. This IS The Sweetest Thing!
Is it just me or was comic Booga kind of sexy? The film one looks like The Grinch's in-bred cousin
Wait, in the film they're not mutant 'roos, they're humans injected with 'roo DNA as part of a super-soldier programme. Jeeez.
Tank Girl infiltrates weapons plant by pretending to be fashionista photoshoot director. This is some sub-Bugs Bunny, TMNT 2:Secret Of The Ooze-level shit
Hey, this Full Throttle-y action sequence with models and mattes and shit is pretty cool! (The game Full Throttle, not the Charlie's Angels sequel.)
And now it's back to doing things like mercilessly lampooning beatniks. Catch that zeitgeist, Tank Girl! Second dance sequence. Like Zion from Matrix Reloaded but with 6 guys in kangaroo outfits doing the macarena, one of them dry-humping Naomi Watts
Man, why couldn't 1995 Peter Jackson have written-directed Tank Girl? :'(
Phew, thank fuck that's over. Could possibly be edited down into a cool 5 minute fan-short
Most of the director's initial cut doesn't sound much of an improvement, but the opening sounds TONS better:

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