Sunday, 4 October 2020

Deadpool 2 (2018)

I was disappointed. I thought the plot was really tight on the first one, here it's all over the place. And it has that comedy sequel problem of mainly just redoing a ton of jokes from the first one. Also, I was annoyed that they fridged Vanessa. Apparently there was a mid-credits scene where he brings her back to life using time-travel and stuff, but I missed that and besides it doesn't change the fact that the movie suffers for it.
Rating: Fine

Rewatch: downgrading this to bad. Instead of spending two thirds of its time being funny and one third being cool and sweet, it spends two thirds of its time being grimdark and one third of its time trying to be funny but failing. The plot's a mess, and big comedy setpieces like the cameo room and X-Force's first mission get botched. Also, I watched the mid-credits scene this time and not only does using time-travel to bring Vanessa back not make sense (but then they seemed to change their mind on how it worked right at the end of the movie anyway) but it's also followed by two post-modern time-travel jokes so it's undermined in terms of whether it actually even happened. Not that this shit should really matter for a Deadpool movie, but making it matter is their failing not mine! Anyway, apparently they're bringing her back for 3 so I guess they decided that it did happen. Hopefully they'll give her something to do in it.

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