Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Bioshock 2 (2010)

I started and it's obviously fairly familiar stuff, with a few new touches. The biggest difference is that I'm playing a Big Daddy. So no running, but more plasmid slots immediately open and a satisfyingly heavy melee swing. It's all very polished as usual (lots of cool underwater bits, including a glimpse of the sunken plane from the first game, and actual animated characters speaking on the televisions rather than the portrait cards which made the first game feel less real) and Rapture feels even more oppressive and broken down. Other little things - remote hacking, a new hacking mini-game (hit a key to stop a needle on the correct part of a scale) which so far I prefer but seems like it may leave less room for error once the difficulty goes up) and some proximity mine things.

A nice touch is when you walk under some dripping water you can hear it tapping your metal helmet.

I'm enjoying it, but that 'not sure I can be bothered to search everything thoroughly' feeling has hit me already. Not the game's fault, I don't think, it's just that I'm playing it so soon after the first one.


Still enjoying it, mostly for the art design like the museum with all the tableaus. The mini siege sections while LSs raid corpses are pretty tense without being infuriating. And the brute splicers chucking props at you are cool. I am finding myself low on ammo a lot, though.


I'm starting to go off those a little, actually. Perhaps it's because I did a ton of them in a row, then one of them culminated in a Big Sister fight. It just feels like 'Big Daddy fight -> mini-siege -> mini-siege -> Big Sister fight' is a bit much every time I want to get some Adam. They do at least put them next to cameras and oil slicks and what have you, which is helpful.


I'm about two thirds of the way through now, I think, and am starting to get bored. I've got about 200 Adam and nothing I'm interested in spending it on enough to justify having to get more, so I'm going to try and speed through the plot now rather than attacking any more Big Daddies or searching through every little corner. Follow that arrow!


Welp, the very next objective after I decided that was to harvest three Little Sisters in a row! More than a usual level and I was being forced to do it! Gah! So I pushed through that section and managed to complete the game without harvesting any more little sisters (except for a couple that I got by accidentally picking fights with Big Daddies - but I didn't bother with the Adam-harvesting sieges), despite the game warning me against it. There were a fair few weapons and plasmids that I never really bothered with either.

I've finished now, and have very similar feelings to those I had at the end of the first game - that was all very cool, but I wish there'd been less of it. On the one hand, it was pretty sweet laying down a ton of sentry guns, then calling two sentry bots and my kickass Big Sister daughter into a massive fight, but on the other hand I've killed like a million of these guys already. And again, a lot of the plot passed me by.

Overall a good game, though, but I think I'd have to rate the first one higher just for pure surprise value of the setting and a story that was tied in more closely. Even though the sequel does polish up a lot of the mechanics, it doesn't really introduce anything new or expand at all.

Rating: Green.

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