So far, MOH:PA is like a very clumsy Far Cry. After a long sequence of levels which were nicely presented but where I didn't have to do much (boot camp and Pearl Harbor mainly), I'm now in the jungle. It's very difficult to figure out where I'm supposed to go or where the enemy are. I keep on coming up against leaf-painted walls and having to sit back and watch my squad until I can tell what the hell's going on. The shooting's not very satisfying so far either - crappy WWII weapons plus enemies that don't always react to getting shot. The atmosphere is as you'd expect - a mix of gung-ho and glumness, with an R Lee Ermey clone chucked in for good measure.
I got to a bit where you have to take down two fighter planes with a shitty gun and you die 19 times out of 20 no matter how good you are. I fluked past it once only to get to a turret section where I only had 7 health left. My paramedic doesn't want to help me because he's in a raft. Fuuuuck this, uninstalled.
Rating: Red.
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