Crysis has a problem where it crashes if you try to change the settings, but apart from that it's pretty sweet. I'm getting my arse handed to me in every firefight, though. The suit-powers run out too quickly to make any difference, and it doesn't auto-switch to another weapon when you run out of ammo. Still, it's good fun and I seem to be running everything on high no problem.
[...two years later...]
That settings crash seems to have been fixed in the past two years! I think I was on Medium before, now I'm on Easy it's not half so insanely difficult. I do still run out of ammo a lot and sometimes get too cocky and die. The suit powers are still useless though,. Just leave it on armour for health regen and ignore the others. Do they get upgraded during the game, or is that in the sequels?
They've taken out the tagging-enemies-with-your-binoculars thing from Far Cry which is a shame because you lose the whole sneaking around making a plan thing, but I guess this isn't that kind of game. [edit: no they haven't, Ben, you fool] It does feel really cool when you're sweeping through a village, chucking grenades and taking cover, though.
[it is pointed out to me that the suit powers recharge a lot faster when you're not moving]
I'm enjoying Crysis a LOT more now that I've got the hang of the suit powers and stuff. I'm on a bloody annoying tank level at the moment, though, which apparently most people loved? It's the one where you're driving the tank and shooting all the other tanks. You're constantly one or two hits away from dying, it keeps auto-saving in the middle of it and the tank gets stuck really easily.
I had a very nice Far Cry 1 moment in my last session where I tagged a jeep that was patrolling round a warehouse. I managed to hide inside the warehouse, watch my radar to see when they were coming back round, then shoot a barrel just in time to catch them in the explosion!
Okay, the refinery bit was good fun. I'm up against cheap-Korean-knock-off-super-suit guys with miniguns now, it's pretty cool. I'm really enjoying finding cover, going invisible, nipping out for a bit to cause some mayhem then disappearing again, but it's also fun when that goes to bollocks a bit and you end up charging round dig-outs blasting everyone in sight.
The weapon system is a bit weird - there are some guns like the SCAR that you barely get any ammo for and have to discard immediately, plus I've picked up some rifle grenades but I have no idea how to use them. I've googled it and apparently:
"Hit "C" while holding the weapon. You can step through each selection by hitting the corresponding number key repeatedly. To select incendiary ammo, use "5". To use rifle grenades, use "3" to select the launcher mod and right-click out, then hit "X" to step through the rifle's ammo select: full auto, single shot, grenade."
Fucking what?!
I've figured it out now, but I'm sure I tried to have a fiddle around with this stuff earlier in the game and didn't have the option, so I guess it levelled me up without me realising. I think once I finish/give up on (if it gets as bad as everyone says) it, I'm going to have a quick go from the start on medium, now that I actually understand how the hell everything works...
Ok, I'm in the alien ship. The gravity going was quite fun, but the floaty alien ghosts are annoying and I've just got to a bit with timed locking forcefields and I cannot see what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing. I didn't realise quite how heavy a slump this game would take!
I got out of that alien room - it turns out that the sparkly tunnel I tried was incoming, so I needed to go in the other one. That sent me to another room where I could barely figure out where to go, then I got out of the spaceship to the icey island, which was fun for about two minutes shooting the aliens as they jumped around the place, until it put me on an escort mission, then three turret sequences in a row (truck, AA, dropship). I fucking hate these turret sequences, they always handle like shit and have really low health. This dropship is fucking impossible to manoeuvre. Then the game crashed. I'm pretty tempted to uninstall. Crazy how badly they can fuck up a game halfway through.
[EDIT: looked at a walkthrough, seems I've got two of these air fights then some corridor shooting then that's it. I might give myself 5-10 minutes to get through the air battles and if not just give up]
[EDIT: ok, managed to fluke my way through the air battles - seems you just have to keep shuffling about like an idiot until you've shot everything. It crashed again as I was finishing the mission, so not sure if it saved or not...]
I encountered two massive game-breaking bugs on my way to the last section, so I gave up. I started again on the second highest setting, and it's definitely a lot more fun once you've had a ten-hour tutorial! Just knowing how my suit and weapons work, plus remembering there's a prone key (and, yes, knowing that there are little petrol cannisters on the back of the jeeps!), really helped. The first bits are still pretty tough, though, because they're completely out in the open with loads of enemies and boats. No wonder I felt overwhelmed.
Anyway, a game with lots of cool stuff about it, but too much fluff and a crap ending.
Rating: Green.
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