Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Rise Of The Triad (1994 & 2013)

I gave ROTT '94 about five minutes, which isn't really a fair shake but it seems pretty awful. I remember being excited at that time because it had duel-wielded pistols and proper human enemies - this seemed like an even more hardcore game than DooM! It turns out it's a weird mix of edgy (downed enemies beg you not to execute them, the 'quit?' window says stuff like 'press Y to hang yourself') and really goofy (bounce-pads, jaunty Amiga platformer music, a magic power-up that lets you shoot what are basically the energy balls from Half-Life 2's citadel out of your hands). It's all a lot less good-looking and tightly-designed than DooM though, so I can't really be bothered. Onto the new one!


Okay, I gave ROTT '13 a little longer, but beyond the nostalgia appeal of seeing the old vanity card get busted through by a nice crisp one, the ugly intro illustrations updated to a Dave Gibbons-esque motion comic, and the first level remade exactly, it's not that fun. Honestly, it feels like someone's bought an FPS creator on Unity and made an asset-flip game. I got a couple of chuckles from the silliness, such as eyeballs splatting onto your camera when you get a particularly gory kill, but the lack of any pacing or enemy AI or interesting level design made me unwilling to replay from an old checkpoint when I hit a bug where a gate won't open.

Rating: Red.

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