Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Sniper: Ghost Warrior (2010)

So far this game has given me:
bit like the flashback in CoD:MW where you follow a dude around for a bit
bit like the stealthy sections in a Crytek game
corridor FPS bit.

The tutorial failed to convey a lot of the mechanics to me, so I had to learn those myself in the game proper with a lot of save-scumming. The CoD-style following simulator bit was what it was. The stealthy bit - what I'd expected the meat of this game to be - was quite fun but rather unpolished, with enemies spawning out of nowhere and no real clue as to whether corpses will be noticed, how well hidden I am, bullshit super-sighted enemies. The corridor FPS bit is terrible - the shooting mechanics are awful, to the point where every gun except the pistol is useless, and you're not allowed your sniper rifle despite there being a turret guy who's seemingly unkillable and impossible to bypass and despite this being a SNIPER GAME.

It looks very nice, but it's pretty unpolished and the 'story' is dull as dishwater but waffles on at you every five minutes about which soldier is going where. I'm going to have to check a walkthrough to see if I'm missing something on this corridor FPS otherwise it's going to be a very early rage-quit! I think the issue is that they're trying to make an action sniper game, which isn't really plausible. From the sounds of it, the more realistic sim Sniper Elite games are the way to go 


I checked a walkthrough and also restarted the level, but could not get past it. The turret guy shoots through walls across the whole level, all your weapons are shit and all the enemies are crack-shots with magic vision and insanely high-powered guns. The walkthrough only suggests I let my friendlies take all the heat, but they just hang out near the start of the level doing fuck all. So I've uninstalled it. From what I played so far, I'm not missing out on anything. I can always play Far Cry again.

Rating: Red.

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