Note: these are mostly pasted from forum/IRC re-watch posts, so can be a little disjointed.
S01E01 "PILOT"
It's great seeing all the iconic stuff again, but what struck me most was how adult it is compared to a lot of modern genre telly. It's sincere and deliberate and procedural with a gentle wit, it's not covered in a layer of post-modern snark, it doesn't feel the need to do a recap every two minutes, it's even comparatively a little slow and uneventful.
The framing, colouring and all that seem fine in the HD remaster, too. Certainly not noticeably bad.
I like this episode, it's got a great atmosphere of this small town next to a huge secretive military base, full of people who either try to pretend weird stuff's not happening or who just accept it as a fun quirk, and I like all the UFO iconography and visuals. But there's not much structure to it, it's just 'they go looking for weird stuff, see some weird stuff, but get screwed over and leave frustrated". It almost feels like a 'dramatic reconstruction' show. I like how tantalising that is, though. It's like, Mulder isn't just going to crack this thing after a few tries, he's just scratching at the edges of a massive entity and he's going to keep getting shut down. Even his informant isn't actually telling him anything!
It's great. I really enjoy the '(at least?) 100 years old' part of it, it gives them some supernatural historical detective work to do and reminds me of LOST a little (which Hutchinson was also in, a couple of years before that marriage). Duchovny is getting better at delivering the purple dialogue (like the millstone line or the cool exterior line) in a way that makes it seem like he just came up with it in the moment, and it's great how the Scully-Mulder dynamic is growing - he immediately and unbegrudgingly says 'you were right' when proved wrong, she's first to tuck her gun in her trousers and climb into the monster's den, and they do some awesome co-op work in the Tooms fight to get him handcuffed to the bath.
It's wild how early this show was setting out its stall and bringing out its big hitters (to mix metaphors) - there's the alien abduction pilot, the Roswell-related government conspiracy episode, then the first Monster Of The Week episode which is also considered iconic and one of the best. Mulder & Scully are pretty much fully drawn now, and we've already met CSM. The only major elements left to be introduced are Mulder's sister and Skinner.
S01E04 "CONDUIT"It's got some cool imagery but it's mainly just a grab-bag of abduction phenomena, and the conduit stuff/Mulder's obsession don't pan out to much.
I do like the continued 'historical pattern' thing, though. Pilot, Squeeze and this one all touch on it. Like, is it just because the mum took her kids to the same lake, or are the aliens abducting people within the same families through the generations for some reason?
Also, the Samantha thread is introduced here, so just Skinner to go!
I enjoyed it. It's nice to get a break from alien stories (even if this one also has a conspiracy angle!), and I liked the gang of kooks that Mulder amassed by the end of the episode - shame that homeless guy couldn't have tagged along too! I also liked the little touches - the mirroring of Mulder looking at pictures of naked ladies in Hanky Panky at the start of the ep, then later on at a female bigfoot and finally the photos of the dead Jersey Devil, the kids running around in primate masks bashing each other, the cut-out newspaper comic strips on the acquisitions desk.
I really like this ep too, it's a solid 'unfinished business' ghost story, with the nice 'psychokinesis' fake-out (that Supernatural would later do the reverse of in one ep) and X Files wrapping to keep it fresh.
S01E07 "GHOST IN THE MACHINE"Not too much silly tech stuff, outside of some fudging with Scully's modem phone line and a bit of dialogue about "data travellers, electro-wizards, techno-anarchists". The wonkier stuff is on the production side of things - the ADR is so bad in first scene, two stalwart character actors and their performances are rendered terrible. And I swear they played a bit of footage then reversed it to get a guy to look at Scully then away again in a single shot. Also some goofy contrivances, like them just happening upon an evil AI case without even going through the X Files. It's also a bit weird to have Deep Throat show up to help Mulder with a bog-standard MOTW. I guess he is DOD, but still feels too easy, like he's Al from Quantum Leap of something. I don't even know why they did it, seeing as Mulder could have pretty easily guessed or researched the info DT gave him.
Still a cool episode overall, though. Solid evil AI stuff, I like Wilzcek, and it's nice to see someone from the bureau who likes Mulder, even if there's still some antagonism there.
Oh, also, the air vent sequence is terrible! A rare instance of the show biting off more than it can chew.
S01E08 "ICE"
They do a lot of 'here's our take on [trope]' on this show, but they're not usually so unashamedly close to one specific example of it! Still, it's a solid cover version, with a good selection of character actors.
S01E09 "SPACE"
The scenes in the control room are effectively tense and Mulder's child-like enthusiasm is fun, but this is a thin premise executed clunkily. Outside of the fact that they clearly didn't have the resources to portray all this stuff convincingly, it's almost half an hour before we even get an idea of what's going on and even then it's just 'a Martian entity possessed this guy and is sabotaging the mission'.
To rub salt in the wound, this is one of those one-off phenomena that could and perhaps should tie into the arc mythology but never does. I want to know what the alien invaders think of these Mars ghosts!
I really like the episode overall! It makes a lot better use of its budget than Space did, and it's got a load of cool stuff going on. I love Max! Deep Throat is back to being cool, too.
I thought the FX were solid in this one. They do use some cheap effects like over-cranking and white-outs and stuff, but nothing as glaringly bad as Space and I thought the invisibility effect was fine...I thought I recognised some of the actors in the second scene (as well as Marshall Bell), checked their imdb pages, and I don't think this is where I remember them from but it turns out they played husband and wife in an episode of Supernatural where the gang get trapped with some people in a location while there are evil worms that get into people and make them go homicidal!
(I recognise Marshall Bell, of course, from Starship Troopers as the admiral who has been trapped in a location with other soldiers who went homicidal after bugs got into... haaaang on... Is everything just a rip off of The Thing?!)
S01E11 "EVE"
Loved this episode! It's a cool set-up, the girls are creepy as hell, Harriet Harris is amazing, and they unravel the mystery at just the right pace. Also, I just realised this episode that the end scene with Deep Throat in "Fallen Angel" means that him popping in for MOTW episodes doesn't feel weirdly benign any more, because it's now framed as him ingratiating himself with Mulder.
The only thing I don't like in this ep is the contrived way Mulder realises what they're doing with the soda, just happening to forget his keys then seeing a great big mess of foxglove on the table. Would have been much better if he'd heard Scully mention the diet soda was syrupy and suddenly realised what was going on. All the set-up's there, to the point where I wonder if they rewrote it because they didn't think viewers would be able to follow Mulder's thought process. Him forgetting his keys and then the fact that she's dumped half of it on the table for some reason - so contrived. If he'd realised from a comment she made and then was a bit more subtle about stopping her drinking, but they realise he knows and disappear anyway, would have worked a lot better to emphasise how smart both they and Mulder are. Ah well. Excellent episode otherwise.
S01E12 "FIRE"
This one was a real cheesy clunker. I had to force myself to get through it.
This is a great ep. It's got the investigation, the paranormal and the character stuff all working together. Dourif is fantastic, too.
It's cool to have Scully seeing the paranormal stuff this time, and I like that she fights against it so much, too. "I'm scared to believe" works well as a general justification for how stubborn she always is in the face of paranormal evidence. It's set up as a contrast to Mulder's "I want to believe". (It's also pretty funny that as soon as Scully reverts back to finding logical explanations for everything, Mulder is suddenly like "but maybe he is real, why won't you believe, Scully?!")
It's got some effectively creepy atmosphere but it's quite muddled - it's essentially just a collection of weird stuff. These people can sex-shift (all of them at will or just Marty?), and exude pheromones, and they've got a white goop that allows them to regenerate, and maybe they can teleport, and they've got a spaceship and they're probably aliens.
It's interesting that just a year before Species came out, this episode had a female shape-shifting alien hunting for male sexual partners then killing them, associated with HR Giger imagery.
As for problematic elements, well, I'm not the best-placed person to judge, but to my mind: while it's not explicitly about transgender people, it does have some typical transphobic imagery and themes - a woman who seduces men, only to turn out to be a man in disguise, plus he uses a form of date-rape drug and also the men die from having sex with him. It's certainly not as forward-thinking as Duchovny's portrayal of the explicitly trans Denise Bryson in Twin Peaks 4 years earlier.
Allport is the strength of this episode. It's a cool enough idea, but they don't take it very far.
I really enjoyed this one! Cool idea, the reveal of info is well-paced, I like the reappearances of Deep Throat and more subtly the cigarette smoking g-man from the pilot. I like that the villain is just a malicious bloodthirsty scumbag. The only things I didn't like were the cheesy choral chanting on the score, and the fact that it came immediately after another 'resurrected criminal' episode.
S01E17 "E.B.E."Great episode. I love how they make it feel like you've seen everything and nothing at the same time. Scully and Mulder's belief levels meet more in the middle as well - she starts to buy into it (at least in this episode!) and by the end of it he's cynical about the whole thing.
Cool to see a young Roger Cross, too!
I just found it dull. It picked up a little in the second half but not much...Aaaand it crashed again. Yawnsville.
Another slow one. I enjoyed this more than Miracle Man, but that's probably mainly because werewolf Native Americans are inherently more interesting to me than Southern faith healers. Cool to see Michael Horse from Twin Peaks, though.
The line at the end about the sister having left because she saw something she wasn't ready to believe in or something like that was clearly a reflection of Scully's attitude. She knows what she saw, she's just not ready to admit it to herself yet. Mulder's always jumping in headfirst, Scully's always dragging her feet!
Like, a massive hairy arm bursts through the door at her, then she and Mulder are both looking straight at the creature when the sheriff shoots it and it turns into the guy. Come on Scully, you know full well that wasn't a mountain lion!
S01E20 "DARKNESS FALLS"Pretty good! The guest cast are all strong, the bug effects are mostly effectively creepy, and it's a cool idea. It peters out towards the end, though. Also, Scully's nineties cagoule is hideous.
S01E21 "TOOMS"
Excellent ep! It's got a returning baddy, proper horror thrills, investigative stuff and an action ending. Also, a relatively big ep for the show going forward - it introduces Skinner, has CSM talk (I think this is the first time we actually hear him?), and starts pushing the 'X Files closure' thread.
Bit weird how that old detective knew exactly where the body was, though - was there something that I missed that suggested how he came up with that, even if it was just another hunch?
These were ok, though I felt like you get told what's happening about halfway through and then there's not really anywhere to go. I preferred Born Again of the two, that had some cooler stuff going on.
S01E24 "THE ERLENMEYER FLASK"This is great. Just so much stuff suddenly thrown at you! (Sidenote: Scully refers to the previously unnamed 'deep background' guy as "this Deep Throat character"!)
Really enjoyed it. Again, some big reveals - greys! Mulder's senate backing! Skinner and Smoking Man's working relationship! - plus the abduction scenes are incredibly atmospheric, some cool actiony stuff, and splitting Mulder and Scully up and giving them different stuff to do works well.
The Host is great too. This season's Squeeze/Tooms, just a wonderfully gloopy, weird, darkly funny monster story.
It feels a little like they're trying to have Scully see more stuff and become a little more open. Like, she saw the alien foetus, then in Little Green Men, when the room starts to shake she simply asks "is it them?" and now she gets to see a radioactive worm monster. Currently feels like a bit of a character arc happening - can't remember in any detail where it goes from here, though. I really think in the movie they should have let Scully see all that alien mothership shit at the end - that would have gone a long way to making the movie feel momentous, and at that point it was getting pretty silly. I wonder if that was actually the original plan, as I think around that time they were planning to do another movie or two and wrap it up. Ah, if only they'd done that. Or at least done one more season then one more movie.
S02E03 "BLOOD"Another strong ep. Really good at building tension. I like the ambiguity at the end of whether there really were people putting out messages onto the devices or if Mulder's fear of government conspiracies made him see those messages on the phone...
Sanderson is terrific.
Solid. Good idea, well-executed, and the Krychek twist at the end is cool. It doesn't feel like it does all it could with the main concept, but it'd probably need a movie to take it to its extremes.
Really good ep. Strong concept, well-directed (love that opening with the dog), very tense. The guy playing Duane Barry is great, CCH Pounder is as good as ever.
Really good, too. Good use of Red Right Hand by Nick Cave, before that became a little tired. Feels like maybe the first time the show has used licensed music in this way, too - not truly extra-diegetic but close. I love the sweaty, squirrelly vibe Lea gives Krycek when he's not playing boy scout for Mulder, and like Bucky said Skinner's 'always-fair hardass' routine is great. Pretty funny to watch the episode wring as much tension as possible out of Mulder taking an aerial tram ride.
Interesting that some of the exterior shots were lower definition, even flipping back and forth in that scene near the end with Scully's mother. I guess maybe they didn't have access to the original rushes from those camera set-ups and had to do the best they could with previous SD scans...
I love that they took advantage of Anderson's pregnancy to get a cheap special effect with the 'inflated stomach' shot!
One thing that I remember bugging me at the time (requires knowledge up to season 8 or something like that) is that CSM's justification for not just killing Mulder is that it would make him a martyr, turn his mission into a crusade (I think he says this again later), but then when Mulder does ostensibly die, none of that happens! The Lone Gunmen et al don't rise up and take down the conspiracy or anything! Maybe other reasons are given as the Mulders' involvement in the lore backstory gets more complicated, I can't remember.
S02E07 "3"
A mess. I've watched it at least three times over the years and I still find it hard to follow.
It's pretty funny that as soon as Mulder is let back on the X Files without Scully around, his horniness gets him in trouble. Also, "Frank Military" is a nicely ironic actor's name for this show.
Enjoyed this one. I'm glad they at least take an episode over Scully's return, it's cool to get a fair chunk of Scullycentric stuff with her family and her faith, as well as some cool conspiracy shit with Mulder. This is the episode that I referred to a while back in spoiler tags about the writers clumsily trying to coin "Cancer Man" as the nickname for that guy, when Smoking Man or CSM actually works way better.
Bit meh, this one. Another riff on The Thing, taking slightly different elements from it than Ice did. And, as far as I could tell, it was never explained what cast the shadow on FIrewalker's footage - it seems to be something completely different to the parasitic fungus deal that most of the episode dealt with. Cool to see Leland Orser and Bradley Whitford though.
Nice slow-burn episode with lots of creepy small-town atmosphere, then a left-turn into conspiracy arc territory more fully than the one in Blood. Always good to see Mark Rolston, and the return of Crew Cut Man (here 'The Cleaner') was cool too.
This one is a messy drudge. So it's all down to these mushrooms, which cure Alzheimers and increase physical strength and unleash ghosts and allow you to see ghosts, but if a certain one of you nearly dies then the ghosts go away? And I guess one of the ghosts smells and feels like one of the living residents but the orderly was mistaken and the ghost wasn't actually him. And this idiot Gung is giving it to all the old people but also doesn't seem to be able to keep them from just stealing piles of them and overdosing?
S02E12 "AUBREY"Terry O'Quinn's first appearance! Wooo!
I really enjoyed this one! The mix of Mindhunters-style 40s serial killer hunters and modern day psychic stuff worked really well. I thought it was about to dip when we found out the explanation, but then BJ becoming Cokely while killing Cokely was such a great, creepy scene.
This is a pretty strong episode, but it suffers a bit from coming straight after another serial killer ep. The shape-shifting thing is pretty cool when you know the reasoning behind it (apparently some of Jeffery Dahmer's surviving victims said that he shape-shifted when he was holding them hostage), but without that it feels a bit like a tenuous attempt to stick some paranormal element in there. It would be fine if it were just Scully seeing it, but the funeral home guy does too.
Also, in season 7 he comes back and they just full-on make him a monster.
Great episode! Despite the campiness and dark humour it also is genuinely creepy in a lot of places, it's well directed and all the guest performances are great.
S02E15 "FRESH BONES"Pretty bad. Directionless, confusing. Reminded me of 3, especially as I still didn't really understand what had happened by the end of it. That car scene was pretty cool though.
Great stuff! I love how they're adding more specific, unique stuff to their mythology (or at least solidifying it) with the green blood and the clones and the bounty hunter, it's not just 'aliens abduct people'. There are a lot of big series moments here, including Samantha and the Mulders coming in. Also satisfying to have Scully see even more stuff right in front of her, and then that great cliffhanger.
I also really enjoyed this one, but I don't have much new to say about it after the first part. Again, I like how everything is starting to feel more cohesive - Skinner meeting X is fucking great.
I've realised though that this doesn't definitively tie into the ongoing abduction stuff yet, unless we assume the clones and the bounty hunter are telling the truth about knowing about Samantha's whereabouts and well-being (and I don't think once the female clones reveal themselves that they ever say they're clones of Samantha, so maybe these aliens just listened to Mulder's hypnotherapy sessions..!).
I strangely enjoyed this one. It's pretty slow, but it's got an enjoyably weird premise and that cold open is great. It's full of effective pathos too - with the kids by the dying elephant, one sobbing and the other gazing into its eye, Sophie's near-human emotions and communication, and then that gutting ending.
A very slow, passive version of Ice, Firewalker etc. It's hard to get past the make-up effects, and the lack of explanation at the end is frustrating.
Fantastic episode. Genuinely funny, well-directed, lots of great performances, and a cool twisty-turny whodunnit.
It's a pretty loose episode, but atmospheric and effective. Really nicely shot. It's like a serious, arty take on Die Hand Die Verletzt. And yep, still very cool to see and hear that distinctive actor from Grim Fandango. I really like the creepy "it knows you now" ending - I kind of want the show to also have a demonic series arc as well as the alien one..!
Cool. Good gore effects and the two plots of prison quarantine conspiracy and ticking clock manhunt played off each other well. It might just be the score for this one, but it felt quite Cameron-y.
I enjoyed it. The story is a little flimsy, but it's a cool idea, Shaloub is good, and seeing X have his own CSM epilogue was cool too.
This one is a little slow, and Mulder & Scully don't have much to do, but it's pleasingly gross/creepy.
Great! So much exciting lore stuff (Mulder's dad is involved! Krycek returns! Scully's abduction is connected!), cool concepts, big budget, Even the subterfuge stuff is really well done, with all the hints towards Mulder's water being spiked.
Really enjoyed this ep. It's like a nice companion piece to that one where Scully was in the hospital, but it's got extra intrigue to go with the floaty afterlife stuff. All the stuff with Scully's sister works really well, a real gut-punch. It's cool seeing CSM out and about and getting vicious and panicky, as well as Skinner getting more to do and Krycek returning. We meet the consortium and the Well-Manicured Man. And they continue to develop the repercussions of Scully's abduction, and tie Samantha into the ongoing conspiracy somehow. (Future spoilers: of course, they completely fuck up the Samantha stuff down the line, which was incredibly frustrating.) They really packed a lot in here!
Oops, no notes. Probably liked it!
S03E03 "D.P.O."
I enjoyed this episode, good guest cast, and it's got a very 90s pulp feel, especially Jack Black's death scene. Feels very much like a Final Destination movie or something when it does those jump-zooms in on him standing on the roof as Hey Man Nice Shot plays! (And it's good to see that Hey Man Nice Shot has been retained on streaming, unlike with some shows cough Supernatural cough)
Still brilliant. Love how he gets the genuinely funny comedy but also nails the creepiness and procedural aspects of the best X-Files.
Less boring than I remembered it (maybe I was mixing it up with that voodoo one) - it's atmospheric, it's got a strong roster of character actors in there and the list gives it a good structure that they add some nice complications and diversions to. It does suffer from the semi-frequent X Files issue of Mulder and Scully not having any effect on the plot, though, plus it starts to get a little repetitive by the end, and the ghost isn't particularly cool. I'd say this is a mediocre episode overall.
S03E06 "2SHY"
This one is okay. Feels like a bit of a re-tread of Squeeze and Irresistible, though. I was happy to see the fake-out ending where it turns out that Mulder isn't the guy who gets to have the showdown and instead Scully holds her own in a pretty brutal fight. And then she gets rescued but again it's not by Mulder but the female would-be victim with goop still dripping off her face, that was cool.
S03E07 "THE WALK"I quite like it. We've seen psychic/demon/ghost killers before, but the reflections/phone calls are creepy, the deaths are all cool (that swimming pool one is great Spielbergian horror), the guest cast are good (especially Rappo), and I love how it turns into Nightmare On Elm Street at the end. Again, a shame that Mulder & Scully have zero effect on the story, and they could have built up the tension at the end a bit more (maybe have it seem like Mulder's about to get knocked into the boiling water, or drowned or something, and have Scully trying to bring Rappo back to consciousness but his astral projection jumps between the two locations and knocks her out or something like that). Solid.
Also, some clever amputee effects - I genuinely wasn't sure at one point if the actor was really an amputee or not.
S03E08 "OUBLIETTE"Strong episode. The supernatural element is relatively low-key and simple, but it's mainly there to support the character work, and that balance pays off really well.
S03E09 "NISEI"Really good! Really well-directed, really fun escalation from a seemingly cheesy back-pages autospy vid to international conspiracy, and some exciting action, plus the creepy abductee stuff. I feel like some of the details are a little floaty, but perhaps I'm getting muddled with rewatches or just not following (like, has Scully really never had a look at her implant before? Or mentioned it to Mulder? And whom did he get the info about the second train from? Was it all from Matheson?)
S03E10 "731"I enjoy this episode. It's not as high octane as the first part, but it's cool how it suddenly narrows down into this tense situation in a small enclosed space. Also, on the one hand it's kind of frustrating that there's a bullshit explanation for everything and Scully just immediately buys it, but on the other hand that does help us empathise with Mulder and it's better than the whole thing unravelling too easily.
Bit weird that the implant had a manufacturer name on it, though! I guess they weren't expecting them to ever get into the hands of a top FBI tech whizz who would discover it plus have access to all the databases etc, and so they didn't bother manufacturing different anonymous versions of their tech for this?
I don't mind all this stuff being a bit messy and hard to fathom now, as long as at some point the series ties it all together and explains enough that everything else can be inferred. Hopefully it will do that over the next 8 seasons! I know I go on about Lost, but that's another thing that the show gets overlooked for - it really did answer like 90% of everything that needed answering.
S03E11 "REVELATIONS"I really like this episode! I love that it's just full-on 'agents of God and the Devil fighting each other on Earth', The Prophecy style stuff. There are loads of cool scenes and the guest cast is great. Some irritations: they just skip giving Mulder a reason to pick this case (I guess sometimes he just wants to hunt kooky-yet-not-spooky serial killers?), or to show up at the school (maybe they asked to be notified of all hand injuries in the area, or someone actually reported Kevin as having stigmata?); Mulder slips to easily into the Scully role of obstinately refusing to believe something odd is going on, even though he's personally witnessed ghosts, demonic possessions etc. Also, would have been nice for Scully to, like Mulder usually does, a) get to see something concrete and b) get to have a bit more active participation in the climax. I guess this way is a bit more Christian? More pacifistic and requiring faith?
I do wish that Mulder had at least come up with some theory about the guy being a mutant who can super-heat his hands or something!
Also, I wish that at some point this series while satisfyingly tying up all the alien lore had also tied it into all the Christian and monster lore as well. That would have been immense. Like some aliens work for the devil, others for God, and bigfoots are neutral or whatever.
Anyway, overall really fun and cool. I also thought the police sketch of Owen was hilarious - why was he pulling a Muppet expression?! It's like the art department asked Michael Berryman for a headshot to trace over and he only had wacky ones left!
A really fun episode! I can't find anything about Scully being at home for the first half was production-motivated, but I think it works well as a jab at the show's formula - Scully is so well-practiced at providing rational explanations for everything that she can now do the job from home!
It's a shame this one comes right after War Of The Coprophages, it doesn't hold up against it too well. It feels like Chris Carter trying to do a Darin Morgan but not having enough subtlety to pull it off so it just devolves into silliness. It's not awful, though, and the silliness is kind of fitting for the X Files' "astronomy did it" episode. It's interesting as well that where Morgan pokes fun at the Mulder-Scully relationship while simultaneously strengthening it, here Carter just makes them mean. It kind of fits in with the 'best frenemies' theme of the episode, and it makes sense that they'd sometimes just get pissed off at each other (Duchovny and Anderson certainly did!), but it's not as much fun to watch.
A solid serial-killer-with-ambiguous-demonic-element-thriller, looks really good, and some fun layering of red herrings.
Great episode! Skinner getting his own little noir subplot, return of even-sweatier Krychek who then gets upgraded to supervillain, black and white flashback, lots of cool intrigue, and an entire video village of tv crewmembers caught in a mirror!
Really enjoyed it. Cool intrigue, well-done action, lots of returning characters like Krycek, Well-Manicured Man, Luis Cardinal. I love how CSM seems to be playing his own little game within the conspiracy. Essentially being buried alive is a suitably nasty end for Krycek, too. And I noticed the 1013 easter egg for the first time!
The stuff here about the WW2 diesel oil being a handy medium for the alien entity iirc gets dropped later and it just becomes 'the black oil alien'. Perhaps Mulder misunderstood, though. Re. Krycek, it's cool that they bring him back after this and he gets his hand chopped off and shit, though I vaguely remember his end being a little underwhelming. This would have been a little cooler. As for the conspiracy episodes, I still really enjoy them for the promise they hold, even though it never gets resolved. What I find really frustrating is that right up to the end it was still totally possible to tie all the disparate stuff together into one cohesive thread and then tie it all up, and they had several chances to do that but threw every one of them away.
Enjoyable, though I didn't quite understand the climax at first - what was the significance of the mirror and the fire alarm? Or wasn't there any, and it just came down to Mulder being too strong-minded for Jedi mind tricks, like Skinner?
I hadn't seen the fire alarm in the mirror, perhaps if I had I would have put it all together! Watching it again, I think it gets a little muddled by Pusher making Mulder point the gun at Scully at the same time, and then when the fire alarm goes off Pusher looks at Mulder, his concentration doesn't seem to break. But maybe it's Mulder that's 'woken up' rather than Pusher getting distracted, and Pusher knows that. I feel like they could have made it a little cleaner.
The sketch on the tabloid cover is of the flukeman from The Host in S2. It says "He's Back!" and that he washed up in Martha's Vineyard. Love this, it's a really cheeky way of binning that episode's cliffhanger ending where the half-flukeman wakes up. Also very cool that they acknowledge this is one of the few monsters in the X-Files world that was just recognised publicly as a thing that exists.
Also: Roger Cross, yay!
S03E18 "TESO DOS BICHOS"Ugggh, this one sucks.
S03E19 "HELL MONEY"Another weak one. Both very S1-filler type episodes.
My opinion remains pretty much unchanged on Jose Chung's From Outer Space - lots of fun ideas, callbacks and moments, but by the end it doesn't all hang together very well. I prefer the other Darin Morgan episodes a lot more (and even the Jose Chung episode in Millennium).
Skinner is centred in this one, and it's a bit weird to think of him as a sexual entity rather than a guy in a suit who occasionally kicks ass. In the cold open it is definitely a shock when we've only ever seen him as an uptight suit and then it abruptly cuts to the sex scene and suddenly we get Skinner sucking face, his naked thrusting back, his o-face and then his sweat-drenched hairy chest all in rapid succession.
A return of the series' callous attitude to sex workers that we've seen before. Scully says something like 'if a normal sane person decides to see a prostitute, they're probably having a mental collapse so severe that they're probably capable of murder too'. Geez, Scully!
But outside of that, a pretty good episode. Some neat twists and turns, and outside of the sweaty sex scene it's good to get another glimpse beneath Skinner's outer shell. I love how he almost always speaks in official, professional language but you can tell from his wording and slight changes in tone exactly what he's actually saying.
S03E22 "QUAGMIRE"Really good ep. It's Darin Morgan's straightest episode, basically just a regular MOTW with very good writing. Nice eye for continuity too - as well as the return of the druggy kids, bringing the dog back and tying it in with Scully's Starbucks nickname.
I enjoyed this. Definitely Blood Part 2, but enough changed to make it worthwhile.
Good episode. Cool how it pivots from a seeming MOTW into the serialised stuff and fits everything in smoothly. I am getting a bit lost over how much we and the various characters are supposed to know, though - I should have taken notes as I went through!
S04E01 "HERRENVOLK"Good episode! Even though, much like Mulder, I feel we're getting shown little pieces of something without any real idea of what it is, still lots of cool ideas and imagery and what have you. ABH is always cool.
One thing I thought was weak, unless I missed something, was how they smoked X out (not "Mr X!"). They plant information to see if it makes its way back to Mulder and if it does they know X is the leak. But the information they plant is "Mrs Mulder is in danger" and the proof this info got out was that... Mulder went to the hospital? What?
S04E02 "HOME"Fantastic. It's trying to gross you out (and it does a great job), but it's also effective horror, a dark satire of modern America, lean, well-directed and it's got a streak of cruel humour running through it (that Elvis gag is fantastic). It's like the dark version of Humbug.
Felt rather by-the-numbers and, yeah, very reminiscent of Squeeze. Also, there was one moment where you could see the dialogue didn't match the mouth movements of the actor only just in frame - they may have shot this 'widescreen safe', but they didn't edit it that way! Funnily enough, I also noticed an instance of that in the widescreen version of a Seinfeld episode yesterday.
Anyway, at least it had Carl Lumbly in it, and I liked the warehouse showdown, especially the directorial flourish of getting the actors to sweep their flashlight beams across camera for nice edit points.
The cold open is so scary and well put together. The whole episode is great, in fact. So tightly written, directed and edited, and effectively creepy in a bunch of different ways. Really pacey as well.
The wikipedia entry mentions a few critics complaining about Scully getting captured again but, y'know, it was Mulder's turn last episode. I think it's just one of those things that is going to happen a lot in this kind of show where they need a ticking clock but they can't often do bombs or whatever.
Also, Pruitt Taylor Vince really working that eye thing!
I like this one. It's very gentle and vague, but it's also nice to have such an emotional episode.
Good episode! Fun, pulpy horror with some scary concepts. Interesting that after Die Hand Die Verletzt, this is another episode that lets the witchy/satanic villain escape. I guess they've either got to do that or kill them, if they put them in handcuffs at the end of the episode it robs them of their effectiveness.
Also, bold choice to start the episode with what looks very briefly like a massive bum crack.
This episode is very weird. I think I come down on the side of not really liking it, because it's so over the top. If it's not canon (hinted at by the last line of Frohicke's about him having just found this all in some magazine and needing to verify it, and also by a lot of it being so cartoonish), or even only partly canon, then who cares? If it is, then it's pretty goofy for a relatively serious part of the mythology.
I think I would enjoy much more a version of this where Frohicke has managed to find like one scrap of information about CSM (did anyone notice the name of the countermeasure Frohicke used?), and then we get a more serious, more canon-feeling origin story via CSM's reminiscence, and then CSM kills Frohicke because even that one tiny scrap he found is too much to get out.
S04E08 "TUNGUSKA"It's a lot of set-up, feels like act 1 of an episode. Cool concept for the cliffhanger, though - Mulder in some weirdo Russian gulag/lab where they infect people with the black oil. And now it's got him!
Kind of weird that Krycek got let loose from an alien-ship-containing missile silo by terrorists and they let him join them, and also weird that the alien stuff is still black oil when originally they said that it had used WW2 plane oil as a conduit. Maybe it was always black and oily and it just happened to use black oil that one time?
S04E09 "TERMA"
Found it a bit frustrating - the refusal to say anything outright makes it really hard to follow! I wouldn't mind that so much if they'd done anything new with the iconography or the mythology, but they didn't.
Good. Tom Noonan does great banality of evil, and there's loads of great imagery. It's a little undermined by the fact that we've seen a village of Samantha clones, plus the previous maybe-psychic serial killer that Mulder tricks with a fake bit of evidence. Still, always cool to see early Vince Gilligan scripts.
The mould stuff is cool and grody, and I like the whole chupacabra life cycle thing and how it kind of loosely ties in with greys iconography, but most of the drama was pretty bad. Cool to see Raymond Cruz, and Hurley's mum from Lost, though!
I enjoyed this one! It has the classic X Files skill at taking a cool yet outlandish concept and making it feel as convincing as possible, at least in the moment. And yeah, I like the tie-in with the ongoing Scully arc. Also, it was cool that she got the action ending with the monster and got to off it in a cool way.
I really like this episode. The concept sounds like it could be a cheesy combo of Blood and 3, but the tone of it is such an interesting mix of maudlin and manic and it's directed so well, plus getting to see this side of Scully is so inter4eting, that it really works. It's kind of a shame that they feel the need to explain what's happening with the psychotic drug thing - I thought at the end that they had undercut it by saying he didn't have enough in his system to hallucinate, but Wikipedia reckons that was only referring to Scully.
Interesting that the episode broadcast order swap makes this feel like a reaction on her part to the cancer thing, rather than just her life getting subsumed into Mulder's world of conspiracies (and maybe just how silly that whole chupacabra thing was!).
I enjoyed this one, it's an interesting mix of 'quiet, sad' and 'lore-heavy action' episode types. Not huge amounts of new info with the series arc plot, but a few drips at least, plus the stuff with CSM and Skinner is great.
This felt like a season 1 MOTW where we know what's happening and it just kind of plays out while Mulder and Scully observe from a step behind. The transformation VFX were really well done, and I liked the mirroring of the Nazi shopkeeper also creating monsters with words without realising the ramifications of what he was doing, even if I'm not sure what the message is there, if any...
Forgot to take notes for this one. It's pretty cool, but there's not much to it and the flashback structure feels like unnecessary padding.
Really good episode! It doesn't really do anything new, but it's so pacy. I love the cold open, where it starts on a typical forest shot, then pans up to the sky to catch a plane in flight, then cuts to inside that plane, then shows us Max, then shows us he's going to get assassinated and then before that can happen aliens show up! And it never really slows down the entire episode either, it's great.
Plus it brings back some secondary characters like Max and Pendril which is cool, and it's ace to see the classic triangle ships and greys again.
S04E18 "MAX"
A bit slower than the previous episode, but the two plane sequences were awesome. It was cool going back to Max's trailer again, and there's a really nice personal feel to this one.
This was a fun episode. I don't think the ending quite works, though, because Mulder suggests that the future can't be changed, whereas we know for certain that it can be, because old Jason killed young Jason, that photo won't happen, the Japanese doctor won't be the one to solve vitrification etc. I was happy, in fact, that they didn't go for the 'you can only facilitate the past' route. It would have worked better if Mulder had said something more along the lines of 'destiny finds a way'.
S04E20 "SMALL POTATOES"Fun! Duchovny's really good in it and the Gilligan script is deftly written. I like as well that we're at the point where Mulder is saying to Scully "We've seen this before" and Scully's response is "yes, but it might not be that this time"!
Cool. Great to see Skinner getting pulled further in and confronted with the depths of the devil's deal he's made, also cool to get more bee stuff and a twist with whatshername. Fun that (seemingly) we've had a nice informant with Deep Throat, X the reluctant and grey-moralled informant, and now a full-on evil fake informant. Can't remember what happens with her, though...
Amazing that this is another Skinner episode where they suddenly surprise us with a Mitch Pileggi cheesecake shot. I really didn't need to see him looming over me in his tighty whiteys...
S04E22 "ELEGY"
Felt like it didn't end up serving either the MOTW element or the Scully element well in the end, they both fizzled out a little bit and didn't feel like they'd done anything new. It was a nice idea to have the theme of Scully coming closer to death and having to deal with that literalised with her starting to see ghosts, but they didn't do a lot with it, it was jostling for attention with the old X File standards of 'creepy serial killer' and 'people with severe mental health issues'.
I enjoyed Demons, even if it's a little frustratingly ambiguous about the veracity of what little new information we got about CSM and the Mulders. Piecing together the missing time so circuitously was an effective way to slowly reveal how risky and obsessive Mulder will get in his search.
Great. Even though there's no way with all we've seen (and the ramifications for the show) that it could be a hoax or that Mulder would kill himself, it's still fun to see how convincing they can make it and all the gritty espionage stuff works great as usual, too.
Part 1 was very talky, lots of voiceover and montage and exposition dumps, but we did get to see Mulder find that iconic Know Your Exits location, and a cracking cliffhanger - hopefully part 2 will ratchet things up again. I hope they don't drag this 'hoax' thing out for too long. Is it actually true and part of the lore that some things are hoaxed (like the abductions of women) but all the other stuff isn't? I can't remember. I know that Carter pulled out the 'it's a hoax' thing again for the terrible season 10.
The issue with these episodes is that it feels at the time like lots is happening and it's all very exciting, but then you get to the end and think 'wait, has anything changed at all?' Okay, so Scully's cancer arc has been closed off, but the hoax stuff, Samantha, CSM's status, Skinner's involvement in the conspiracy, it's all left dangling. Blevins is gone, and it was cool to see him again but it's the first time since S01E04 and we're not shown how this might affect the conspiracy - presumably not at all. (It's pretty damn funny that Mulder just guessed the right person like he's playing Guess Who, though!) I don't mind them not answering everything, but I need something to get my teeth into. Again, LOST got this so right and doesn't get enough credit amongst all the meaningless yells of "mystery box!" - even though they held off on a bunch of stuff right till the final section of the show, they were always revealing something, peeling one layer back even if it revealed ten more questions to be answered later.
This feels of a piece with Musings OF A CSM to me - it's fun, but it's also far too goofy for my tastes. It feels very comic-booky - rather than these guys just being three conspiracy nuts who met on the internet and started a newsletter which brought them to Mulder's attention at some point, there's this big action adventure they all just fell into because they happened to be at the same computer show and then they turn out to be the ones to tell Mulder about the government conspiracy. It's all a bit too silly for my X Files tastes.
It's fine, very season 1. I like the Ponce De Leon thing even though it's a little silly, (and does it mean that the other mothmen he talked about were also super-evolved conquistadors?), and it was a cool idea to have them getting hunted by something super-smart and tactical although it was a bit annoying that they fell for the divide and conquer trick after just talking about it and that the mothman died because Scully just happened to fall into his den then he decided to charge straight at her.
Oh, also, it was pretty funny that half the time they were chameleonic digital effects and the other half they were blokes with tree make-up on!
Fucking terrible. Chris Carter again trying to do a comedy episode and again having zero subtlety. Yeah, we get it, Frankenstein, well done. Then a happy ending for the rapist I guess?
I enjoyed it! An intriguing set-up, great cliffhanger, and it's good to get a Scully solo episode with some investigative meat to it as well as some character development.
S05E07 "EMILY"
Enjoyed it, though the two-parter really switches gear a lot. Scully's ghost sister mostly disappears and doesn't really get discussed, and Mulder shows up in the 2nd episode and suddenly it's all about him chasing shape-shifting aliens while Scully's relegated to the hospital. If this were to motivate Scully to go chase down the conspiracy, it'd work, but it's a weirdly downbeat ending. I love that the evil alien child-murdering conspiracists were considerate enough to leave Scully her necklace in the coffin, though.
Fun, lots of twists and turns, but overall it doesn't do much new with the premise and there were some pretty big stretches in there too - Modell got shot in the head, was in a coma and was likely to die very soon from his tumour two years ago, but now he's still going strong, Mulder clocking Linda as a pusher because she used the word 'brush' (to be fair, there's also her oddly timed marriage to the prosecutor and the overshare by her husband, but those don't seem to be what tips Mulder off!) and the whole 'secret twin with exact same tumour' thing. (Also, Mulder is stupidly reckless, considering his awareness of pusher powers, but that is somewhat in character!)
Another mediocre S1-ish MOTW episode that bites off more than it can chew effects-wise and ends up looking a bit goofy. It didn't even really make much sense by the end - what was causing the blights, why did stuff only just start happening again now, why did her father's body get pulled into the cellar three years ago?
S05E10 "CHINGA"Ten minutes in and really enjoying it!
Kid with powers AND a spooky doll, nice.
The nice switcheroo where Mulder's going on about a case and then it turns out Scully's the one in the middle of the actual MOTW.
The Stephen King credit coming up and suddenly realising 'oh, this is why we're doing psychic kids in New England!'
The reverse 'War Of The Coprophages' set up where Scully is on her own on a case but desperately trying to stay out of it and Mulder is on the phone to help but offering only the silliest explanations.
That was a really fun, goofy episode! I like how Scully just gave in and went 'okay, clearly this is a possessed doll and since Mulder isn't here I'm going to have to do what he would do' and then comes back to the office totally spaced out.
What an excellent cold open! Written by Gibson and Maddox, it just drips cyberpunk without actually being set in the future. Love the grimy 50s diner crammed into a burnt out warehouse, all the different criminal gangs, the scope of it, even the score that sounds dystopian without being literally so.
The shipping crate sequence was great! Wow, what a top episode. I remember the second Gibson one being really silly, had forgotten how good this one is (so far).
Finished Kill Switch, that was excellent! Perhaps didn't need that final Nebraska epilogue, the BITE ME one worked well enough. It got a tiny bit silly with the VR bit, too, but I like the idea that the AI checked out Mulder's credit card history and because of all the porn purchases decided sexy nurses was the way to go. It was a lot more fun than Ghost In The Machine, anyway - this felt like the Die Hand Die Verletzt (?) of evil AI episodes.
Looking forward to Bad Blood, I remember it being a fun one.
Another amazing cold open!
Very fun and funny episode, good old Gilligan. I was a bit disappointed that it seemed to drop the Rashomon thing halfway through and yet stay very goofy, and surprised that Scully definitely met a vampire, but then the snap to Skinner's office fixed both of those thigs very neatly!
Watched the first episode. While it's getting a little wearing seeing the same stuff over and over - the shadowy men in suits annoyed about stuff, older female abductees murmuring in softly-sunlit rooms about their experiences - there was some cool new stuff here like the CE3K style group gatherings, the sealed-face people, the fire weapon. It's bloody impossible to follow, though!
Also, very frustrating to see Mulder still on his 180 'it's all faked' trip, especially when he now shows such disdain for anyone who still believes in aliens. Also doesn't feel natural for Scully to suddenly be all in on it. It all feels very much like a writers room deciding to flip characters' personalities to keep things interesting, rather than an organic development. Maybe Scully was feeling that homing instinct despite not having her chip any more and that's why she was immediately more open to Cassandra, and also how she made her way to that bridge (I don't remember any other explanation). Well, hopefully they'll flip them back again soon enough!
Watching the second part (decided to count them as one for our loveathon, so I won't do spoiler tags.
So even when they switch Scully to the believer role, if she sees a UFO then they have to give her amnesia! C'mon!
Oh wait, Scully has that new chip type thing now, right? From the little vial of water from the Pentagon. So that does explain a lot of stuff, including the amnesia, though it's still all a little unsatisfying and murky!
Also, the chips being able to wipe memories does makes sense with standard abductee amnesia.
The hypnosis session was awesome. It's pretty funny how petulant Mulder is in Skinner's office, when all these people he's been trying to convince for years now believe in aliens just as he stopped! I think if we interpret Mulder's sudden conversion as a refusal of the call, like he's tired of always searching for the truth and it always just slipping through his fingers so now he's clinging onto this new 'cover-up' thing as an excuse to stop, and he's frustrated because deep down he knows he still believes and he doesn't like all this new evidence and support being thrown at him, then it works a lot better.
That Krycek scene in Mulder's apartment was great too. It's really fun seeing Mulder put through the belief wringer - his mortal enemy is just straight up telling him this wild story of galactic rebellion with absolute sincerity, it's kind of hard to resist flipping back to a believer. Hilariously, Scully then walks in and says 'Hey Mulder, I've become a sceptic again'. So silly.
Yeahhh, Mulder's back to jumping onto high-speed vehicles carrying alien prisoners!
I assume the bounty hunter was there to kill the rebel for the colonists. Funny how they didn't just beam him up or zap him or whatever. Also, I have no idea whom Mulder was shooting at there! Seemed like the second rebel, but why?
Anyway, overall very entertaining and intriguing even while some of the mytharc stuff feels nonsensical. So, typical X Files!
Enjoyed this one! Not much meat to the story, really, but it's fun to have it jump back to 1990 and then back again to the 50s. Cool to have the Nazi scientist stuff come back, and also to see Mulder's dad and J Edgar Hoover involved in the conspiracy even if it's a bit goofy. Does it make sense that Mulder didn't speak to his father about this stuff when reconciling with him in earlier seasons? I'm not sure, but never mind! Was great seeing the origin of the X-files, too. Really good guest cast - Fredric Lane, Garrett Dillahunt and Darren McGavin!
Watching it now, enjoying it. It's intriguing. Plus, Lili Taylor (and also Blu Mankuma who was awesome in that one episode of Supernatural)!
Slowed a little in the middle when we knew what as happening but waiting for it to resolve, but overall a nice chill little episode.
Also, interesting that horror franchise Chucky had a plot point where a killer stabbed a pregnant woman and that gave the child a disability and then they confront each other in later years.
Promising start - great cold open, Emily Perkins, Glenn Morshower in the opening credits, and what seems to be a religious episode (always like these because suddenly you don't have as strong a handle on what the show's going to do, plus Scully often gets the limelight)!
Excellent episode, I love it when mundane details all combine into a big religious mythology thing like that. Only negative is it's a shame the angel face looks a little goofy. Surely they could have done a better job than that, or at least covered it up with effects a little more! I guess this was '98 so people were mostly still watching on small CRTs, so the show makers not only could get away with more stuff but even had to make it less subtle so people could catch some detail.
I love that we're so invested in the Mulder-Scully relationship now that 'Mulder lies to Scully' is a huge cold open cliffhanger!
I didn't think that much of this one. It's fine as a cop drama and a bit dull as an X Files episode.
I don't even really follow the conspiracy logic here - were they going to kill millions of Americans with the money just to do a further test? Surely not, so was the spray on the money fake? Because neither Leamus nor Bremer did anything to stop it - if Scully hadn't figured it out the whole plan would have gone ahead! So if it's fake, why bother? Just to string the terrorists along and stay in with them so you can maybe use them for more tests in the future?
And was Leamus actually trying to get Mulder and/or Bremer killed? Why? If not, why put Bremer's alias in the records? Were Leamus and Bremer communicating so they knew the latter could get out of it with the recording of Mulder so they went ahead with it to try and seem convincing while getting Mulder out? But that let Mulder know the guy was a mole. So Leamus didn't care about being found out because he was confident enough that Mulder wouldn't whistleblow? It's all very jumbled, unless I'm being super thick here.
This is a really cool episode. Really nightmarish and Kafkaesque, and the slightly goofy creature effects somehow add to it rather than take away. I love the scene at the end where Scully just cannot bring herself to say to Skinner "I saw a zombie and a big bug monster."
S05E20 "THE END"
It's a cool idea but it gets a little swallowed up by all the series arc and film set-up stuff. What's weird is how much energy they put into stuff that (iirc) doesn't show up in the movie - Spender, Gibson, Fowley, Krycek. And what's happened to Mulder's sudden scepticism? Did discovering Gibson wash it away? I remember he's in a low place at the start of the movie, maybe he turns back into a believer again in that. Also interesting, though, to see them put certain stuff in place for it like ancient astronauts, CSM being back, the end of the X Files (again!).
It's... not great. It's essentially a mid-season arc episode but with lots of high-budget bits stuck in. It doesn't move anything on for the series and even as a story in itself it's pretty flat. Mulder and Scully don't really get to do anything - they fall into the story at the start via a series of flukes, and then they get handed information and follow it around passively. Mulder is "revitalised" by the end of it, we're told, though it's hard to tell seeing as he barely reacted to finding himself inside a gigantic alien spaceship and then wanted to give up at the end because nothing had changed (too right it hadn't!) but was maybe talked into continuing by Scully? I know they were flip-flopping over whether to just stick to movies or carry on with the tv show or just end the whole thing, and I guess pre-MCU there would have been a lot of 'but what about people who haven't seen the show' nonsense, but they really mismanaged the whole thing. The show should have been a clean build-up into the movie, and then the movie should have if not ended the whole thing at least made some big irrevocable changes to revitalise the show and make it feel important.
It's funny how this episode title is basically saying "okay yes we thought we were wrapping things up, but now uhhh fuck it who knows?!"
I enjoyed it but it's definitely a plot thread management episode! Lots of revelations but nothnig done with them (yet?).
S06E02 "DRIVE"
Drive is great! Really smart and intriguing and well structures. Great how the Mulder and Scully threads both work on their own and with each other. And that final line is killer.
I think this one is a fan favourite, but it's too silly for my tastes. It's just 'Mulder has a goofy dream' but also in the real world Scully starts talking like it's the 30s and kissing Skinner for some reason. The whole thing has a self-indulgent 'Christmas episode' feel about it, and the worst thing is it really drags in the middle.
Watched Pt 1, really enjoyed it! It's a fun episode with lots of cool effects and explosions and just full of clever little touches. The only slightly jarring thing is Mark Snow overdoing the comedy music as usual - it feels like playing Day Of The Tentacle in some sections!
Finished part 2. It's still fun, though it struggles a little to justify an entire second episode. Lots of great moments, though, like the scene with Morris and his wife, or the Area 51 colonel eagerly asking Mulder if aliens exist.
I like the idea of it, ghosts trying to send them mad and get them to kill each other, and lots of the tricks they play are really creepy. But when it gets into Death Becomes Her territory, and the ghosts are chatting to each other, it's just too far into goofy for my tastes. Another Chris Carter comedy episode with too little self-restraint. Not as bad as I remember it, but it does also start to drag in places with all the long monologues. - they'd probably work better if you weren't 100% sure they were ghosts, but as you are you're just waiting for the episode to get to the fireworks factory.
Amazing cold open, and Bruce Campbell is great, a perfect mix of cheesy fake human sincerity and real demon sincerity. I like the little nod to Scully's past when she reminds Mulder to be sensitive around such matters.
The stuff with Spender was fun, though this whole 'the X Files are shut again but 'Mulder snuck onto this one and Scully is irritated' every time is getting a bit wearing. Also, Mulder believes in demons now? I thought he immediately dismissed stuff like that!
Wow, Mulder really didn't listen to Scully about being sensitive, geez.
What a great ep! Love the twist, love the scene where Mulder is racing Wayne, love that final scene. That was a better demon episode than anything Millennium managed in its entire run.
Really good use of Garbage!
Really enjoyed The Rain King. Just the right side of silly and sweet for me, the spot that Chris Carter often aims for but can't hit with his comedy episodes.
S06E09 "S. R. 819"Skinner episode! Was hoping we get another jarring smash cut to him making sweaty naked love but no such luck :(
This is a pretty cool episode, fun intrigue and action and such. But a) I'm generally not a fan of nanobots in fiction, it always feels like a line being crossed where suddenly everything is possible and magic and solvable and yet impossible to defeat, and b) it's a bit annoying that Sen. Matheson is suddenly a corrupt cowardly baddy. (Looking at the wiki, I guess he actually would sometimes protect himself rather than help Mulder, but still this feels like a leap). The Krycek thing is potentially cool, but as always it depends what they end up doing with it!
A general thought about seasons 9/10/11 that I've probably said before, with vague spoilers about the show - they had THREE opportunities to tie everything together and wrap everything up, all this stuff could have retroactively been elevated, but they absolutely bollocksed it. Raymond J Barry was still working as of 2021, they could have got him back in, done some cool stuff with him! But nooo, this is the last we ever see of him.
Side-note: they never explained Skinner whispering to the doctor and her just deciding not to try to revive him! Was that just him saying "do not resuscitate" and her being like "yep, that's how it works, seeya!"?
Watching this now. Enjoying it, but this was very annoying:
Scully: finds photos that show the guy hasn't aged a day in 30 years
Mulder: "Hey Scully, I found proof that this guy is over 100 years old"
Scully: "That's impossible, I met him, he looks about 60."
Finished. Cool episode! Another great one-off casting choice, and a cool idea that doesn't really require detective work, just Scully to confront her belief systems.
Incidentally, this is where Scully becomes immortal, explaining why when she asked Clyde Bruckman how she dies, he says "You don't."
Watched this. I understand the impulse to get the whole arc plot boiled down and moved forward, but it all feels too easy, too simplistic. The whole six seasons of intrigue summed up in a couple of sentences in narration scenes that don't really make sense (surely whatsername already knows most this, CSM isn't telling her for the first time?), and pertinent information just handed on a platter to Mulder and Scully. Best bit was that scene with Krycek and Spender over the alien corpse, really creepy performance by Nicholas Lea.
S06E12 "ONE SON"
I enjoyed this episode a lot more, it gave me basically what I wanted the first part to be. It's still massively rushed, though, and maybe I'm dumb but I feel like a lot of the motivations and stuff just don't make sense. It's a damn shame that they didn't spend a good season working through this stuff and then pay it all off with the movie.
Also, those little waddling aliens look goofy as fuck, they should have gone with the creepy tall wiry ones. And what was with the changing of the shape-shifters to having silly Mission Impossible masks? But then they also had bounty-hunter/Jeremiah Smith style shapeshifting abilities?
And how did the Syndicate get away with stalling for so long? Why are they the ones doing the work and not the aliens? Why have we stopped talking about how it was all a con and actually humans are just going to get used to hatch big scary aliens?
I'm sure we could come up with explanations for this stuff, but it would have been better if the show had taken a bit more time over it and provided them itself!
I enjoyed this one! Cool monster and rules, solid 'motley collection of archetypes under siege' set-up, and a bunch of likable characters/performances. Only problems really were that it takes a bit too long to get all the pieces in place, the latina character is dreadful, and the very last two lines of dialogue are dreadful.
I forgot to post my thoughts on this apparently, but iirc I really enjoyed it, it had some nice little twists on the time-loop thing, with little differences each time and people starting to have persistent memories, and the ending suggesting that this person got stuck in the time-loop because she was 'supposed to' to sacrifice herself to save a bunch of people.
I enjoyed this one, it's good fun and it's got a The Burbs vibe in places. It did slow down a little towards the end once we'd finished having fun with Mulder and Scully as a married couple and we had a good idea of the tulpa set-up.
S06E16 "ALPHA"
I thought this was fairly rubbish. Very slow and none of the characters were particularly interesting or made sense. Plus Scully was written a lot sourer than usual.
Mediocre ep. Cool monster power-set but otherwise it's all very rote. Also, bit of a weird ending - feels like Mulder is telling her off for killing this murderous kidnapping psychopath :/
I really enjoyed Milagro, very atmospheric and a cool Stephen King style twist that didn't get too cheesy. Plus a double-whammy of great guest stars - that one scene with John Hawkes and Nestor Serrano was great!
This has some fun stuff in it, but it's pretty self-indulgent and I suspect you need to like baseball to really enjoy it.
S06E20 "THREE OF A KIND"Enjoyed this one, a fun but tightly written little diversion!
Fantastic episode!
I enjoyed Biogenesis, lots of cool stuff happening. But it's basically all set-up, no pay-off or really anything happening. I decided to watch the S7 opening two-parter straight away as I felt it might all work better watched together..
The Sixth Extinction It has that late-series myth-arc thing of showing you loads of cool stuff and making story progression, which is great, but it all happens so fast and easily to or around Mulder and Scully without them really doing anything that it doesn't feel earned.
S07E03 "HUNGRY"This one was cool but it loses a little something once you know what the deal is. Cool to see Mark Pellegrino ten years before he showed up in Lost or Supernatural.
I appreciate the effort to give Millennium a finale one way or the other, but this comes out as a very odd, cheesy episode of X Files and I imagine felt like such a rushed finale as to not even be worth the bother for Millennium folks, especially as it didn't really deal with the two show tentpoles of conspiracy and actual demons. (See my 'previous re-watch' notes below for my thoughts on the Millennium episodes I watched before this one.)
S07E05 "RUSH"
A cool idea though fairly similar to a few previous ones, and they didn't do much with it.
A fun little reverse-Final Destination (complete with bus moment) but not much to it. Mulder and Scully getting their own signs didn't actually contribute anything, which was a shame.
I love this episode, it's pure genre + fan service, done incredibly well. A new X-File tries to manipulate a classic X-File but underestimates him at the cost of his life and suddenly the episode flips to a rematch. Mulder gives in and acts on the divine signs, Scully has some kickass fight scenes (in which she totally would have kicked Donny's ass if not for a couple of tactical errors - going for the gun then the phone without enough time to do so) and then a huge 'grey hat' moment.
Cool to see a young, non-moustachioed Emilio Rivera, too.
This is a fun one. Takes a little while to get going but once all the twists and turns kick in, it's very enjoyable. I love how Ricky Jay is always the go-to guy when some show is doing an episode around magicians.
I think the ending is perhaps hampered a little by the writers not being able to let the con artists get away with the final gambit, as Mulder would have been completely screwed; might have been a little more dramatic at least to have Mulder reveal his deductions and confiscate the card in front of their faces, though.
Fairly weak. Barely anything to it, the twist was incredibly obvious, and all the snake stuff was either goofy vfx or not-that-scary shots of regular snakes. The birth scene was effective, though.
As I wrote some years back when I did my previous watch through (see italicised stuff at the bottom of this post):
I just watched the episode Closure and FUCK YOU THE X-FILES. After seven seasons of drip-fed info about Samantha Mulder's alien abduction, it turns out she was actually on an air base being experimented on until she ran away and some nice ghosts killed her to prevent her from getting re-abducted. This contradicts so many things previously established, introduces loads of new nonsensical details and is overall just the most frustrating, hippy-dippy bullshit resolution they could possibly have pulled out of their arses. I really would have preferred if they had never answered it. FUCK.
A really good episode. You can't take it very seriously, seeing as it's a crossover with an existing cop doc show, but it's all really well executed (the camera setups and the 'as live' performances never feel fake) and the central idea is really cool. That flip from werewolf to Freddy Krueger is such a brilliant wtf moment. The gay couple are a little painful to watch, but I think it's supposed to be 'the kind of colourful people you see on these cop shows' as you'd never see something like this on a regular episode, even one of the comedy ones.
Bad cold open - some guys play a badly-designed (and badly art-designed too) video game and a couple of them get shot by enemies, how is this intriguing?
Why is no one saying "the paintball haptic feedback chestplate thing clearly malfunctioned and shot a bit of metal into his chest, making it look like a bullet wound"?
The response to "There's a modeled, AI-coded NPC in our unreleased game that no one put in there" should be something along the lines of "Oh shit, we got hacked, maybe they hacked the chestplate to malfunction somehow?" Not "Huh, weird. Let's send a pro player in to kill it." This episode is very oddly written.
I won't post point by point, but this is awful in so many ways. Embarrassingly bad. Nonsensical, tacky, unimaginative and really just very dull. It did have Randy from Lost in it, though.
S07E14 "THEEF"
This one's a solid but unremarkable MOTW. I like that Scully is finally dropping some of her scepticism, and that she's still being pragmatic to anyone but Mulder about it ("regardless, this guy believes he has magic powers") so she doesn't get labelled as Spooky Scully. Also, cool to see James Morrison (24) and Billy Drago (Tremors 4).
S07E15 "EN AMI"
This is a weird one. Davis is great in it, I love his "who, me?" act as CSM conning Scully. I like that Scully never really trusts him but also is tempted in by such a huge medical breakthrough dangled in front of her and maybe even some real glimmers of humanity that CSM allows through. I also like the idea of CSM kind of being at a loose end now that the whole Syndicate thing has (kind of?) fallen apart, and potentially being an ally, neutral party or wildcard. I think really the whole thing is undermined by the vagueness of the arc plot and the episode itself (is he really sick? Did he really bin the research? If so, why, and did he save himself first?). If this were a Sloane-centric episode of Alias it'd be great, but as it is it's just... tantalising.
Pretty fun one, lots of twists and turns, even if they are easy to stay ahead of what with there basically only being three characters. (Shame to get so little of Wendy Schaal.) Interesting that they found a reason to keep Scully out of the main story because there was no space for her, feels like a War Of The Coprophages move but for structural rather than comedic reasons.
S07E17 "all things"
Title not in caps as usual, to reflect its unusual all lower case presentation.
I love that Anderson clearly decided "I'm getting a chance to direct an episode, I'm going to make an Art Film!" It's not subtle and there's not really much of a story there, but I prefer it when the X Files does a sincere artsy episode to when it does a bog-standard MOTW. I think I preferred this one to Duchovny's The Unnatural, anyway!
I also find it funny that up till now, Scully is cynical not only of any alien theories or folklore that Mulder puts forward, but also of any permutation of faith that doesn't exactly match her own. Maybe, now that she's coming around to Mulder's lines of thinking (unless he's doing something daft like taking a trip to Stonehenge to wait for crop circles), this is her also opening her mind to the kinds of faith that her sister believed in.
S07E18 "BRAND X"
I enjoyed this one! A bit slow, but passive smoking/big tobacco is a great MOTW, all the gross-out stuff was incredibly effective, and I enjoyed the use of Morley after it being CSM's ciggy of choice for so long. Good guest stars in Dennis Boutsikaris and Tobin Bell, too.
Disappointing. Spends half the episode on a comedy concept which is normally a slam dunk ('a movie/show/play is being made about the lead characters') but wasted here on a bunch of overcooked self-indulgent bits, and the other half on a vaguely intriguing MOTW concept in a way that doesn't make sense and fizzles out. When X Files is careful with its comedy, it gets gold like War Of The Coprophages; when it's not, it gets something like this.
Wow, another comedy episode? And I think the upcoming Je Souhaite is very light as well. Makes it feel a bit like no one really wants to be making The X Files anymore...
Well, that one was a real slog. Very reminiscent of Syzygy - a Chris Carter penned-and-helmed comedy episode about two similar young women causing unexplainable havoc, trying to be a Darin Morgan episode but overcooking everything to a grating level, and a shrug of an explanation.
A good comedy episode! A very gentle, fairly standard genie story, but it's enjoyable, with lots of interesting 'monkey paw' twists and fun performances.
This is such a typical late-X-Files mythology episode - it's full of loads of cool stuff (tying in the pilot episode to the ongoing lore, the return of a bunch of characters, CSM as a dying old man desperately trying to fix stuff while he can), but all a bit rushed and shallow and still confusing! I genuinely would not have minded an entire episode leading up to this one of Mulder explaining the lore to the accountant guy while he bemusedly flips through all the files and brings up plotholes for Mulder to explain. Still would have been better than Fight Club. And then Duchovny wants to leave anyway, so just spend a few episodes clearing up any loose ends and wrap it all up in a big movie. Of course, they really could have done that back in season 5, and we'd only have missed out on, like, ten or so really strong S6/7 episodes, but never mind.
Pretty good. Doggett's introduction is pleasingly ambiguous, even though he gets an FBI badge in the title credits so we know really that he's going to be a goody. And it moves fairly quickly throughout, with an exciting cliffhanger. Maybe not the crash bang 'don't worry, we'll still be great without Mulder' season opener one might expect them to aim for, but solid.
Pretty much the same opinion on this one. It's solid, well-made, and I like Doggett, but we've seen it all before.
Boy, Doggett got an easy first case, didn't he? Victim had big bat bites, there are big bat prints on the floor and big bat claw marks in the rafters and there's an old newspaper article about a big bat creature in the area with photos. Otherwise there's just the silly 'it's been waiting for revenge for 50 years and it kills anyone who touched anyone who touched one of the guys who caught it' thing to tidy up.
And yet everyone's arguing the whole time - I understand that it would be weird for Doggett to instantly slide into a harmonious working relationship with Scully, but every character here is arguing with every other character and none of their stances make sense!
So yeah, a very basic monster episode with some manufactured character tension while they try to figure out exactly how Scully and Doggett are going to react to any given paranormal case now that they don't have the Mulder believer Scully sceptic structure to lean on.
Very effective. Captures the creepiness of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no modern conveniences, and uses the paranormal element to heighten that feeling - being at the mercy of a bunch of strangers who not only don't approve of your fancy modern ways but also worship a weird parasite thing. Good choices not to over-explain the thing, and also to use the contrivance of Doggett's absence as a character arc beat.
This one's pretty bland. It manages to keep you guessing (time travel? Fairy changeling?) but only because the actual answer is 'unusually corporeal and persistent ghost'. Doggett having a 'missing child' backstory is far too close to Mulder's missing sister and it's a little exhausting watching the writers still trying to find a good repeatable dynamic between him and Scully. 'Pragmatic about solving the case to the point of ignoring all the supernatural stuff happening right in front of him' isn't working either. They should have him just instantly become a believer now he's directly seen all this stuff already, and both him and Scully investigate on the same level but with their distinct police detective and medical doctor approaches.
I really enjoyed this one! For what seemed like a fairly lean premise, it kept me guessing enough to keep me interested - they tease but forgo the 'turns out he did do it' or the 'you can only facilitate history' endings for a more character-based one, and even the title is a clever mislead. Morton is great (fun to see him onscreen with Patrick after no shared scenes in T2) and it's always good to see Trejo (who probably did share scenes with Patrick in From Dusk Till Dawn 2, but I can't remember!).
So the latest attempt to figure out the Scully-Doggett dynamic is to remove Scully! It works quite well, actually, with his straight-laced dogged detective persona fitting perfectly into a Carpenter-esque story as the regular cynical guy going slowly mad in the face of otherworldly horrors. Patrick is fantastic in that scene with Skinner where he doesn't know if he's dreaming. Lots of cool visuals and concepts, too (even if the reverse dream talking feels a little cheap!). It's just a shame that the story gets a bit muddled at the end and then just stops.
The supernatural element is a pointless gimmick here - you could easily lift it out and barely change anything. Unfortunately, you'd be left with a rather dull low-key scuzzball crime drama that puts little effort into running through a few standard tropes. It's hard not to continue looking at this season through a metatextual lens, wondering if the issues with this episode are down to the writers' efforts to provide some regular crime stuff for Doggett to solve, so Scully can hesitantly suggests a supernatural cause and he can pragmatically ignore it.
Another bland story with an MOTW gimmick thrown in. Metal man kills a few people, that's about as far as this one goes, outside of some cuter Terminator references and a good Arye Gross performance.
This picks up in the second half when Doggett has the truth forced in his face and the two kids fight back against the MOTW, but otherwise it's another fairly forgettable and frustrating Scully-and-Doggett episode. In fact, as my group rewatch has lost steam, I may well give up here. I know it's all downhill from here (see previous rewatch notes below!) and it's not going to be any fun if I don't have people to pick the show apart with me!
Some posts I made during a previous rewatch:
Just finished season 2. I forgot how many of my memories of the show are in these two seasons - I'm not sure I got much further than this originally, although I definitely went to see the movie. I'm enjoying all the arc stuff, especially because it breaks the MOTW mould of 'weird thing happens, Mulder and Scully arrive, Mulder nails it immediately, Scully scoffs, they investigate pretty passively until it kind of burns itself out'. I'd also forgotten how much shit Scully sees really early on and yet stays almost pathologically sceptical.
I'm onto season 7 now, and it's still surprisingly good overall. Even the mythology episodes are still good - all they need to do at some point is tie the disparate strands together and wrap it all up, and all these episodes will retroactively become very satisfying instead of just cool and tantalising. I don't know if they touch the mythology in the new ones at all.
I'm just about to watch the episode "Millennium", which apparently is a wrap-up crossover episode with the cancelled show Millennium. I'm wondering whether it would be worth finding a top ten episodes list of that show and blasting through them before watching this ep.
Oof, the Millennium series is definitely not worth even skimming through the "best" episodes, and I gave up about 6 episodes before the end of my skip-list. It has some cool conspiracy arc ideas, but everything else about the show is so slow and maudlin it's really not worth the wait. (Also, obviously, it got cancelled before it could get anywhere with it.) The show's worst sin is probably that it actually manages to make Lance Henriksen and Terry O'Quinn boring.
I just watched the episode Closure and FUCK YOU THE X-FILES. After seven seasons of drip-fed info about Samantha Mulder's alien abduction, it turns out she was actually on an air base being experimented on until she ran away and some nice ghosts killed her to prevent her from getting re-abducted. This contradicts so many things previously established, introduces loads of new nonsensical details and is overall just the most frustrating, hippy-dippy bullshit resolution they could possibly have pulled out of their arses. I really would have preferred if they had never answered it. FUCK.
The season 9 finale (and therefore the series conclusion for a good few years) is weak. Bizarrely, it mirrors the Seinfeld series finale, with most of it taken up by a trial with appearances from characters from throughout the run. Instead of moving the arc plot on or giving it some closure, it summarises it (offhandedly revealing or clarifying a couple of things as if they were already established) then pretty much ends. The stuff with CSM was pretty cool but also completely pointless.
The second film is poor. Mainly Mulder and Scully having relationship problems, while not really doing any investigative work. It feels like a season 1 episode.
Just watched the first episode of the new miniseries (S10) and it was dreadful. So clunky and empty, in every aspect - the acting, cinematography, dialogue, editing, mythology...
Well, I finally dragged myself through S10 and it is utterly atrocious throughout. Muddled mythology-plot that attempts to cram a good season's worth at least into a couple of episodes and then ends on a cliffhanger with a load of plot-threads dangling, and no good MOTWs to back it up.
Season 11 will likely air early next year, and will a lot less likely make up for the godawful season 10 by being brilliant whilst wrapping up the mythology arc in a wholly satisfying way.
Just watched first episode of season 11 and it was atrocious. 40 minutes of people in rooms spouting painfully clumsy exposition at each other, David Duchovny with an increasingly unconvincing lack of a single grey hair (appropriately, given Mulder's futile hunt for greys) and an unbelievable cop-out from the previous season's cliffhangers: the whole episode was a (psychic) dream!
tldr - S1 to S7 are good, everything past that is shit
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