Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Crysis Warhead (2008)

I've heard that it's basically the best bits of the first game distilled, which is great but I hope they do a full tutorial again, because I barely figured out all the weapon-modding, suit powers and general controls at the time of playing the first game, never mind three years later! I'm almost tempted to give at least some of the original a play again for that reason, plus maybe the fun story overlaps, but I'll resist.


Ah, ok, so it's that the invisibility barely depletes if you're stood still. Also, I've already found the weapon modding stuff and it's relatively simple actually. In fact, I'm going to start again on medium/normal, because I'm waltzing through this at the mo, and that's not really the best way to play Crysis/Far Cry (for the originals, anyway).


Okay, I'm still breezing through this on Normal. It's fun, but not really very challenging so far. I wonder whether, as this is known as the actiony spinoff of the first game, they intentionally lowered the difficulty. Another niggle is that the tagging isn't as helpful as I remember it being in Far Cry - your radar is a lot smaller, I think. This seems different from Crysis too, again possibly they're encouraging you to run into firefights rather than be all stealthy.


I think I'll take the action approach and also try to do stupid stuff like speed up to someone then turn my strength up and punch them to oblivion or throw a turtle at them real hard.


Well, I've played a bit more of this, and I'm now into the 'not as nice looking frozen section of a Crysis game'. I also just had to go through a Call Of Duty bit with a team of supersuit allies and fight a boss - as with all Crytek games, when it goes linear, it sucks. Now I'm stuck because I can't tell how I'm supposed to get to my next checkpoint. I think it may involve platforming, but it's really frustrating trying to find out because there's no quicksave. Walkthrouuuugh!

I have to say, I'm currently a bit disappointed with this. It feels like a dumbed-down version of Crysis.


The walkthrough says it is platforming (or at least high jumping), but on some ice platforms which I must have disregarded. So back I go to fight through this section again!


I think my time for making fun combat in this game may be over, but we'll see. I'm on a siege section now (groan).


Okay, I got through the siege section by taking to higher ground (not sure they intended that, it was suddenly a cakewalk) and got back to shooting men in corridor-room levels which was good fun again! Throwing explosive barrels is the way forward. Invisibly laying landmines for vehicles to run over is good too.

I just did the train bit, which is an on-rails section but good fun basically because it's dead easy and the explosions look great. I got through the alien turret-siege bit at the end of it pretty easily as well. It's back to another on-rails bit now, though, I think. Hopefully I'll get some proper outdoors man-throwing again soon. As with a lot of these super-power FPSes (Bioshock etc), it never lets you off the leash properly or soon enough. It'd be great to just have a section where I don't need to care about health and there are explosive things everywhere, I can pick up trucks etc.

EDIT: okay, there wasn't another on-rails section (though there was a stupidly long cutscene where Psycho's mate dies so he slowly drowns an anonymous Korean soldier then sits there crying for a bit). I am now back in the jungle infiltrating a compound! Yay! Also, something I forgot to mention earlier, the optional objectives, are back, which is cool.


Finished. That was only a little man-shooty bit before a fiddly avoid-the-aliens-and-pick-up-a-mega-weapon and shoot the EOGB about five times with it before the game ending (with another awful and weirdly sado-masochistic cutscene). Disappointing.

Both Crysis games so far needed to look at their core gameplay (the supersuit powers in the non-linear 'action bubbles' full of good AIs) and just iterate on it, rather than keep putting a load of linear gimmicky/fiddly shit in there. I wouldn't even mind the aliens showing up if they provided a clever variation on using your suit powers (e.g the invisibility doesn't work on them, and rather than shooting at you they melee attack you, so you have to use speed and strength to circumnavigate them then throw shit at them). I had great fun in the fun bits, but they were too diluted. Also, again, I feel like the game was intentionally less stealthy and a bit nerfed overall, which was a shame. (In fact, fuck it, I'm going to reinstall the first game now and see if that feeling is accurate.) It always looked lovely, though, and felt slick.

(Just played a bit of Crysis and the action bubbles are immediately more fun and challenging. Enemies definitely got nerfed in Warhead, or the difficulty levels are a lot different...)

Rating: Orange.

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