Tuesday, 10 May 2022

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (2007)

I'm worried that this will be way too hard/complicated for me and I'll give up quite early, as it's a game that sounds interesting and I'd like to enjoy. I've got the two sequels as well, and I'm not sure whether I'll bother with those if I bounce hard off this one. We'll see...


I've played a little bit of this, and one of my first thoughts was "uh oh, maybe i shouldn't have included RPGs in this play-through", because I was getting some Deus Ex niggles here, like super-hard combat and missions that seem to dead-end or at least expect me to take an extra step that I'm not aware of (like being told there's a backpack hidden at a certain location but getting there and not finding it - is it near that location? Did someone else get it because I was too slow? Am I supposed to find some other information first?). Also, there were some translucent circles on my map marking areas of interest, but when I died and reloaded they disappeared - I'm not sure if that's a bug or if I'm mistaken about how I triggered them. And there's some stuff on my UI that has not been explained, which I'll need to find the manual for, I think.

So, rather confusing. However, it's also very intriguing and well presented. I've been eased into the world quite well on the whole, starting off at a mission/trade hub with a guy talking me through my PDA and giving me my first mission. It's also cool to wander around and encounter such a hostile setting - weird anomalies to be avoided, packs of wild dogs and boar, and NPCs wandering around doing their own thing. I actually wanted to wander around and do some side-missions, but the game seems to be pushing me along the main storyline, so I'm sticking with that at the moment (although it's also suddenly given me like three things at once, two of which seem to be the same thing though I'm not sure). Confusing.


Okay, big decision time. I'm classifying the STALKER games as RPGs and taking them off the menu. Not just because of this classification, but also because I'm finding it all too confusing and messy for me to want to push through endless tough encounters with large groups of enemies. I was getting better at them, working out tactics like using the crosshair/zoom function on the weapons, constantly hiding, using bandages if I get anywhere near 50% health, and trying to search each body as I come to it if safe. But I'd get through one of these fights, then get to the next story point which is just "help us kill all these people!" or "I don't have the information either, but this person just the other side of a bunch of enemies does!" again. Meanwhile, I'm getting told that I failed some mission I wasn't even aware of, or I'm wandering into a radiation zone and dying before I can even read the hint that tells me what's going on. Then the game crashed.

I can see a lot of interesting stuff going here, but it is all hugely obfuscated. I think what I'll do is come back to them at some point, on Easy difficulty setting with the Complete mod installed.

Rating: Orange.

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