I have the impression this is well thought of but I may not have the patience for old controls...
I finally got my key layout comfortable again (arrow keys for movement, "," and "." for strafing, "/" for fire), even though I still can't figure out how the inventory works, and I'm quite enjoying this. Now I've put it on easy and turned (vertical only?) auto-aim on, I can enjoy the more puzzley elements (finding the controls for a remote control car that has a key on it so I can drive it within reach, getting the power going so I can drill a new passageway into the floor) and the atmosphere (car alarms that go off if you jump on them, hitting gongs to open doors, rabbits leaping around gardens). The attention to detail definitely calls Duke Nukem 3D to mind. Speaking of which, there are a lot of racial stereotypes and some incongruous nude manga babes in there, but it mainly hits the knowing Big Trouble In Little China vibe.
I'm stuck on a death-trap lowering-ceiling room at the moment, and I'm not sure if I can be bothered to find out how to get past it - as much as they dress it up, the old-school 'navigate huge map, find coloured door keys' set up is a bit wearing without Doom's excellent combat and level design.
EDIT: ehh, so there was a small gearbox in the wall that I had to spot from a certain angle through the gates that came down, then shoot. The next thing after that is a button puzzle, so I'm probably going to give up on this out of principle rather than get out a pen and paper and try to figure this thing out.
Yeah, gave up on that.
Rating: Orange.
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