Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Zeno Clash (2009)

I've played about half an hour of Zeno Clash and so far... it's pretty fucking awful. The art design is really nice, but the storytelling is incoherent, cod-pihlosophical tripe, there's a huge lack of polish (e.g. checkpoints just before cutscenes, having to press a key to reload after a fail with no prompt), the tutorial - delivered by a guy with a low growl in what is already a muddy audio balance - is very little help, levels which consist of a straight line of twenty or so spitting enemies, floaty character movement, and worst of all the fighting mechanics are incredibly fiddly with moves that don't work half the time, weapons that are useless to the point of being a hindrance, the same key for block and throw your weapon (which is very frustrating when fighting an enemy you need that weapon for who then stands on top of it so you can't get it). The block move is quite forgiving, though, so that's a plus!

I'm going to give it more time in case I somehow click with it, but I can't imagine I'll be playing this game for long...

I've come to realise that first person melee systems, much like with stealth systems, really need visualisations so the player can see hit radiuses, combo-building, block timing etc. Even if it's only in the tutorial or first couple of levels.


I gave it a little longer but have now quit. Great art design but rubbish everything else.

Rating: Red.

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