Monday, 9 May 2022

Return To Castle Wolfenstein (2001)

Okay, this is quite fun so far, they nicely capture the feel of old war movies and it all looks nice. However, there doesn't seem to be much skill to the combat, and I'm already getting a little bored of running round the same corridors trying to unlock doors - at least it's true to its predecessor!


There are some fun bits here, particularly when they throw a bit of variety in. Gradually making your way down a cable-car line, and a relatively well-made stealth section that felt very Far Cry. But there are a lot of frustratingly difficult sections; I've got it on normal and am regularly getting slaughtered - lots of snipers, super-soldiers and the like, and not really any way to deal with it except for brute-forcing your way through. I'm basically waiting for them to give me a high-powered gun with no cool-down time and lots of ammo.

The cutscenes are incredibly dull, too, almost as if they're trying to emulate dozing off in front of an old war movie on a Sunday afternoon.

Funnily enough, you don't seem to spend much time in Castle Wolfenstein - the first few levels are about escaping, then you're off on a jaunt around Germany.


Okay, I'm close to giving up on this now, I'm not actually enjoying it that much. The AI and sound design are good, but there are a lot of cheap deaths and the shooting is just not that fun. I guess maybe it's a by-product of being a WWII shooter, but the weapons aren't very satisfying or useful. My next game is Allied Assault so I'll be able to directly compare the two...


Yeah, I've had enough of this now. Endless grey corridors, having to reload every 2 minutes because someone fired a rocket launcher at me as I moved through a bottlenecked section.

Rating: Red.

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