Jesus, I'm on the first level and they're throwing shitloads of enemies at me that I have no chance of beating. Fuck you, Looking Glass Studios for your underpowered player characters and overpowered enemies. Am I supposed to time my swings to block theirs? It's incredibly difficult if so.
They have two at a time backing me into a corner as soon as I go to the med bay which is where I need to go and they spawn about 8 in a row. I'm flaming out. I can't be bothered with a game that makes you methodically go through every step of picking things up, equipping them, using them, but then also has super-tough combat to deal with.
I remembered to RTFM and found out that there are cameras that get set off which triggers an alarm you need to go turn off. The problem is, there is zero way of avoiding it to do the shit I need to do so it's not really a very fun system.
I gave it another go and just got to the next level where the psychic weapon chimps and turrets turn up, both very annoying, and there doesn't seem to be any security points to turn off alarms in this bit.
Also, the save system doesn't seem to work - it loses my save-game if I quit out, and reverts it to an autosave point (here, the start of the level with minimal health).
So yeah, that's enough of this game.
Rating: Red.
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