Monday, 9 May 2022

Doom II (1994)

Not much different to DooM  yet - the super shotgun is nice and satisfying, and the enemies all seem to take friendly fire now, which I only saw on the Spider Demon fight with the cacodemons previously. If I get bored, I might skip forward to episode 3 so I can just see all the new enemy types straight away...

Oh, one difference I have noticed is that the music is less speed metal now and more 70s sci-fi/horror. It's not as immediate, but it's pretty cool.


I played for a bit, but got pissed off by a pit I kept falling into and decided to try out some of the later levels using the Ultimate bundle CD launcher menu. It's cool to see new enemies (even though they're recycled, I especially like the mini-spiderdemons) and the apocalyptic city setting (with imps in office windows and stuff), but I'm pretty DooM-ed out now.

Rating: Orange

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