Monday, 9 May 2022

Game play notes

Just a quick note to explain the format of the posts tagged with "Games" and "Play Notes":

These are mostly from when I was playing through a bunch of games in the same genre (FPS, adventure...) to clear my backlog and posting in forums or IRC servers about my experiences and opinions as I went.

I won't bother reworking them into review format, but I do want to copy them over in case the forums or servers crash or delete their archives (as happened with the Zombie Cow/Size Five forums - many opinions of mine lost like tears in the rain on those days!).

I tended to highlight the game titles red, yellow or green after I had crossed them off the list, so I'll note that here rather than my usual rating format (Bad, Pretty Good, etc). As I said at the time, "it's mainly about my final enjoyment level rather than a broad review of the game as a piece of art."

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